Hot Sandwich Delivered FAST

Event Date

Feb 16, 2016


Warm up

20IC Skier Swings

20IC Mountain Climbers

Hill Run


The top bread

5 burpees at each end of a parking lot sprint for a total of 25 burpees


The meat

10 Sets of each exercise for a total of 100 of each

10 Pull-ups

10 Squats

10 Merkin

10 Sit-ups


The top bread

5 burpees at each end of a parking lot sprint for a total of 25 burpees


Hill Run (because we have time)


6 MoM

10IC Bird dogs (a.k.a. those dog things where you hold up opposite arm and leg from a plank)

10IC Merkin T Planks

10IC Mountain Climbers

10IC Peter Parkers

10IC Tony Hawks

60 Seconds of Mason Twist



Psalm 119:41-42 May your unfailing love come to me, Lord, your salvation, according to your promise; then I can answer anyone who taunts me, for I trust in your word.


After dealing with too much time in doors, resulting in taunting and arguing, with my children. I found this very applicable. Too often we forget the big picture, the God picture, and jump right into a response to a taunt or offense. Try praying before you respond, it will often change your response and the outcome.



-Happy to see 5 other crazy people this morning!

-The cold rain dampened the mumble chatter. It wasn’t until ½ way through the meat that it warmed up when someone piped up, “my butt’s so cold I can’t even fart.” The PAX was thankful.

-Remind me again how many reps are in the Murph? I think the Murph is easier.

-As we ran out to add the last piece of bread the fart machine thawed out…lucky we were on the move by then.

-As we huddled up there was steam rising, we delivered today!

-Keep Ned (Gecko’s friend), BJ, Khaleda, Braylon, and Greg (MetroDog's friend) in your prayers.


An honor as always! YHC MetroDog