Hot Shots, Part One & Deux

It’s been a little more than 18 months since taking over the MQ role at Mighty Jungle. Both predecessors went 2 years apiece when they carried the torch, and truthfully that is what I had my sights on the whole time. But then I went and offered to be a retreat leader at St Mark (October 17-18 – Men’s Retreat – #savethedate) which requires planning meetings every month at 0730. And it was during one of those meeting that I came to a realization: passing on a leadership role in F3 shouldn’t be about timelines. It should be about finding a man who is ready to lead and handing over the reigns. 

[P]assing on a leadership role in F3 shouldn’t be about timelines. It should be about finding a man who is ready to lead and handing over the reigns.

Toxic was ready years ago, but as luck would have it he opted to hold out in order to MQ at the longest running Saturday bootcamp in Huntersville. Turns out there are a couple weekday workouts that missed out on his leadership — one more reason to strike while the iron is hot! #suckit Travolta & FunkyTown

Assuming Titan isn’t at a workout, it’s typically Toxic leading the mumblechatter brigade (although Crocs has been giving him a run for his money of late). Now we get to see if his bite is as strong as his bark. But first, I had the privilege of going out with a bang:


YHC arrived to an empty parking lot. Perfect, a little time to plan the morning activities. But then Hall Monitor sent a message saying he was reneging on his HC. And then Toxic backed in behind me and shined his brights in my eyes. And then I had to set the shovel flag (for the last time, I might add), and then Carpetbagger pulled in and tried to hijack my Q with a stationary workout of his own — something about injuring his ankle doing something silly like running. Geesh! Better get this thing started, right as the bells were tolling.

I was going to start with SSH x25 IC but Rodeo accused me of pulling a Soprano so I obliged. But stopped at 49 IC since I’m not as good as him. After that it was tracing the parking lot lines, first with shuffles side-to-side, then with forward/backward run. Carpetbagger rolled in (no really, he has a dainty little scooter) so I played nice with Max Reps Pullups (which is .75 for YHC). Then, while he wasn’t looking we did some Sumo Squats x10 IC and moseyed back to the start for Pinky Pies (incline merkins and dips) increasing by 1 each time to a max of 7.

Next was a short trot to the school wall where Carpetbagger was originally told to meet us. We started with Rocky Balboas x25 IC. Then, being the kind Q that I am, I had a plan to stay in one place for CB with a combination of Praying Mantis x15 IC, Patty Cakes x10 IC and Deconstructed Burpees: People’s Chair followed by a merkin and a squat, then back to PC for the six. Repeato with 2 each merkins and squats and back to PC for the six. Repeato to a 7-count. Of course Carpetbagger snubbed his nose at me and didn’t join until we were practically finished. #hmmph

Next up was the Captain Thors (WWII Situps and American Hammers) going up from 1 each to 7 each. CB has abs of kryptonite and continued with crunches while I led the mortals with a Mobility Minute including upward/downward dog and Pigeon. That allowed YHC to catch his breath enough to thank the pax for following me the last 18 months, keeping the Mighty Jungle dream alive, and agreeing to stay the course for the next MQ who led the merry band of men the 2nd half hour as I headed inside.


Toxic did some stuff, counted off, vandalized my car and (hopefully) drove off with the flag. 


  • Kudos to Carpetbagger for posting despite his IR status. In hindsight, HM could have joined to enjoy CB’s weinke
  • Rodeo continues to impress. I even tried to talk him into an MQ role at a weekday workout only to find his VQ is still in the future!
  • Check my math on the Pax list — I think I got the right people, but I may have day dreamed I saw some that weren’t actually there
  • Crimson was defintely there and that marks the first back-to-back posts with him that I can remember in a while. I’ll keep posting if you do!
  • Always an honor when Jethro joins. Were his runner friends in HHI today or did he finally realize that 1 out of 10 doctors endorses bodyweight exercises over stressing the lower body joints?
  • Crocs doesn’t give in to peer pressure — he posts at MJ even when his running friends smartsack to run 8 miles later. #whynotboth
  • Gnarly Goat enjoyed 2 days of skiing at Snowshoe and was still in good enough shape to workout today. But couldn’t you have brought a few snowballs back with you?
  • Seriously, T-Claps to Toxic for taking over at The Jungle. I expect great things — after he skips the first full weekend he’s MQ to travel of course. #facepalm