Houghing & Poughing

A baker's dozen pax exited their fartsacks on a cold Wednesday Morning with the intentions of getting faster at this week's edition of Halflife.  What happened next left us gasping for air.


The Thang:

Warmup run to the Hough High School track (approx 1 mile)

3 x 400m sprints w/ 200m recovery jogs

2 x 600m sprints w/ 400m recovery jogs

2 x 400m sprints w/ 200m recovery jogs

Cooldown run back to Bailey Road Park 


Total distance covered – ~ 5 miles



1)  This was week 2 of our Marathon training plan and it was a gasser.  Intervals are tough – I don't care who you are.

2)  TClaps to all the ruckers that came out for #TheStandard!  Glad to have you at HalfLife!

3)  TClaps to Mortimer and Primetime (neither of whom were present) in recommending trying out the Hough High track.  It's the perfect distance away for a warm-up/cooldown run and the rubber surface definitely helps the joints.

4)  Don't forget to sign-up for Blue Ridge Relay!  Click above on the "announcements" tab and scroll down to September for the Preblast & Sign-up link.


Until next week…
