How do you like your feedback?

Event Date

Jan 31, 2020


10 of the most candid pax in Isotope gave their…ummm…feedback at Emmaus. Here is their story:



Dingo, Jedi, Ramrod, Code Blue & YHC set out for a run with pain and covered 3.75 miles with ~100 mericans, 50 WWII situps and a trip down the big slide at Robbins Park

Jimmy O & Stray rucked for ~45 minutes

Carpetbagger found a pain cave and put in work

Auto ran with Dingo's watch

Recover recover



  • YHC remembers when the pax used to follow the Q…lots of pax with different motivations this morning led to a bunch of options
  • Auto hates discussion & coffee so he just ran alone
  • Dingo loves mericans & slides but only at certain intervals & times
  • Heal up Carpetbagger…anyone else injured & looking for pain, please contact Carpetbagger
  • Awesome to see Stray and Jimmy O rucking again…sounds like an HC for a Heavy!
  • Get on the dip bar, Red!
  • Q School is coming in February…get ready!
  • We discussed giving and receiving feedback this morning at work and with family and friends. Some great insight from the group. Carpetbagger summed up the discussion well with the following tweet:

If you didn't make #Emmaus here are a few takeaway thoughts… Are you open to feedback (from your M, 2.0's, friends, and at work)? Are you willing to hear the truth and make course corrections accordingly and put actionable steps in place to ensure change?

  • Thanks to Ramrod for the opportunity to Q at Emmaus. It is always an honor to lead this group of men. Thanks to the LFC Men's Ministry for the EH (Email headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. You men are awesome. Now go reflect on the above, get your wife to journal for you and do something AWESOME today for somebody else. Until the next time…