How Does This Work, Again?

Event Date

May 04, 2020

Six fine men emerged on a beautiful, albeit warm, morning to see if Sonar remembered how to Q.  It went something like this.

DISCLAIMER (still an idiot…)



15 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Windmills

R-over-L / L-over-R stretching


A circuit (what else? It's Sonar)

– Start at launch pad

– Run to the benches in front of the school entrance 

– 10 dips

– Run around the short loop, out and up the parking lot to the top

– Karaoke (direction your choice to the next chute

– Run down the chute

– Drop for 10 LBCs

– Run across the bottom of the lot to the next chute

– Quadriphelia (Quads I feel ya) up the chute to the top 

– Run across the top around the buses to teh picnic tables

– 10 derkins or 10 count decline plank

– Run back to launch pad

– 10 squats

Repeato til time's up


5 IC DrWs (as required)


Romans 8:15 "For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”


– I know some prefer the colder temperatures (ahem…Mater) but YHC loves a mid-to-high 60s gloom to work up a sweat.  Also makes it so much easier to walk out of the house.

– Appreciate the push I get from my brothers to get my duff out to mid-week workouts.  I've been slacking (not Slacking) far too much lately. 

– Social distancing was not a problem this morning.  Most of the time it was at least 60 feet between people instead of 6.  Doesn't help much with the mumble-chatter – just six guys putting their heads down and getting at it. 

– Awesome efforts by everyone this morning.  For whatever reason, this circuit seemed tougher than most for me but I saw everyone putting that little extra bit of work in. 

– Got lapped on a half-mile circuit by Mater and Clark and thought Boucher was gonna do the same (dude has been putting in the work and it shows!)

– Marker and Sparrow continue take my 'old man' excuse and throw it in the trash.  Got out-run by gentlemen about 10 and 20 years older than I am.  Outstanding work, gents!

– As always, it is truly an honor to be allowed to 'lead' and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.
