How hard could it be?

Event Date

Feb 09, 2016

A pax of 7 found out the answer is Very.  The Q barely made it through half of what was planned.  When I said we save the rest for next time, there was a future mutiny call.  Guess the Q did his job this morning!


  • 20 IC SSH
  • 10 IC Merkins
  • 20 IC Mountain Climbers
  • 10 IC Windmill


Lack of creativity inspired by the Panthers offense led to this workout

Go gather blocks from the back and set them aside for later


  • Bear Crawl the width of the parking lot – 11 Derkins
  • Bear Crawl back – 1 Hand release merkin
  • Repeat by decreasing 1 Derkin and increasing one hand release merkin each trip


  • Lung walk the width of the parking lot – 11 Air Squats
  • Lung walk back – 1 Russian get up (Start on knees and get to squat position) 4 count using both legs is one rep.

Put Blocks back up.


  • Lots of comments on why so many leg days recently
  • Q was downwind from the Methane brothers, no bueno!
  • Block party watched the suffering from the pine needles.  We'll make sure we use them next time.
  • Continue to keep Goodwrench & Sharkbait's families along with Metro's friends in your thoughts and prayers.
  • As always, it was a pleasure to lead!