How Long Did You Search For This Song?

Event Date

Jan 18, 2021

After 2 years in F3, YHC brought it back to where Cherry Bomb was born (reborn?). No standard. 0530 we got to it.Mosey over to the bridge for Warm-a-rama.- SSH x 30 IC- burpees x 5 oyo- IST x 15 IC- burpees x 4 oyo- TS x 10 IC- burpees x 3 oyo- carrot puller x 10 IC- burpees x 2 oyo- THE BURPEETHE THANGLine up on the bridge. Sprint across the bridge followed by 10 mericans IC. We did this 5 times – 100 mericans to start a workout ain’t bad!Mosey to pull up bars.- Dips x 10 IC- Pull ups x 10 OyoMosey to blocks- OH press x 10 IC- WWII sit up x 15- kid launcher x 10 IC- side lbc x 10 IC (each side)- blockee x 10 oyoOnce complete – back to pull up bars. We did the set 3 times total.There was a Mary Minute.- Low flutter x 20 IC- Low dolly x 10 ICWe did one-armed mericans x 8 IC. It was…not well loved. Also lawn mower x 10 IC each side.MARY- LBC x 20 IC- plank to the tune of Cherry Bomb by The RunawaysRecover. Recover.MOLESKINE- DH didn’t run a standard. Strange times.- Tuffy and Uncle Rico basically HC’d to Gaga. You heard it here first.- No one liked the music. Sad!- tuffy may have not actually graduated from NC state as he never did the Krispy Kreme challenge.Thanks all for coming out. Thanks Tuffy for the opportunity to Q. Maybe Toxic will show up next time. Until then – CB