How Many Odyssey Pax Does It Take To Unscrew a Lug Nut?

Event Date

Mar 22, 2019



8 pax ran the 5.4 mile route through Cedarfield and Torance neighborhoods that the pax were supposed to run last Friday until lightning mandated that that Odyssey be coffee-only.  



  • While passing by the LFC entrance after the Torance neighborhood loop, the pax noticed a stopped car surrounded by several individuals, who turned out to be 9Lives, Dingo, Bunyan, and the car's owner.  The car had a flat tire, and the pax were attempting to remove the lug nuts.  Several pax took turns on the lug wrench, with little success.  After 5+ minutes of efforts, only two of five lug nuts had been loosened.   The soccer-armed Odyssey pax eventually decided to depart and leave this problem to the burpee-conditioned Foundry pax.  Foundry pax, plz sound off on how this story ended.
  • There was no lollygagging by the pax today.  YHC was bringing up the six with Dallas, Omar, and Daisy, and we were still ~ 8min/mi.  PopTart wanted EZ pace today, but then took off with Ducky.  (Although, it might be that his EZ pace is now in the 7s…..)
  • Dallas rolled in in his nice new ride.  Car buying experience sounded on point.  Wish all dealers/manufacturers handled that the way Tesla apparently does.
  • Daisy is back in town after spending St. Patty's weekend in Beantown.  YHC was getting FOMO seeing all the runs come in on Strava – along the Charles, by Fenway, through Southie, etc.  Quite a comedown to go from that back to running in the Hville business park.
  • Tclaps to Ducky for getting out to Odyssey week after week despite 5 month old twins at home.  None of us has a valid excuse to stay in the FS when you're making it out there consistently.
  • Garcia jokes about Free always being on vacation, but he will indeed be on vacation next week.  Jealous.  Safe travels brother.
  • First time YHC has seen Omar in a while in a setting other than #TacoTuesday (YHC has been running too much, not hitting many bootcamps in 2019).  He said he was just getting back into running, but looked to me like he's already back – 8 min pace was EZ for him.
  • PrimeTime was rocking the short shorts.  He has promised to bring his Michael Tucker (Braves) lumber to a future Odyssey.  YHC will need to hit a couple bootcamps to have any prayer of swinging that wood.  
  • Solid coffeeteria followed the run.  Mr. Burns rolled in and joined the pax just for the coffee.

Enjoyed it, fellas.  Thanks to the Count for his leadership and for allowing YHC to lead in his absence.
