How many skull crushers??

Event Date

Jul 21, 2020


It was 6pm on a Monday Night and YHC noticed that there was no Q for SVU this tuesday morning, so in making sure that Mater couldn't take it again I signed up and we did the thang! 

Warm Up: Started prompty at 5:30am…SVU was confused with the early start 

  • SSH-15 IC 
  • Grandma Maters-15 IC 
  • Imperial Storm Troopers-15 IC 
  • Toy Soldiers-15 IC 
  • Left over Right-20 count 
  • Right over Left-20 count 
  • Arm Circles as you please 
  • Hug yourself for as long as you need 


  • Mosey to LBH 
    • 21-15-9 on your own 
      • Squats 
      • Merkins
      • LBCs 
  • Mosey to the playground and grab a block 
    • 21-15-9 IC 
      • Curls 
      • Bent Over Rows 
      • Scull Crushers 
  • Mosey to the big hill 
    • 21-15-9 on your own 
      • Monkey Humpers 
      • Pickle Pounders 
      • Mountain Climbers 
  • Mosey to the playground
    • 21-15-9 on your own
      • Dips 
      • Toes to Bar 
      • Incline Merkins 


  • LBCs-25 IC 
  • Low Flutters-20 IC 
  • Freddie Mercurys-15 IC 

Recover Recover 


42 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:42-45 

Tying into my reflection from last week about the lie men believe that they just have to work so hard and take everything to the chest and are never allowed to hurt or feel or anything, I wanted to share this week about the importance of servant leadership in a mans life. Often times in modern men we want to be in charge, we want to be respected, but we don't want to lead. Leadership is understanding that you are not the most important person in the room and being willing to serve those around you. We often want our wives to submit to us, we want our kids to obey us, we want our co workers to respect us, but we far to often leave out our end of the deal. After a long and stressful day on the job are we serving our wives? Are we investing in our childern, letting them know they are appreicated, do those who work for us and around us know they matter to you and that you are their to help support them? Being a boss and being a leader are not the same thing. If the creater of the universe can leave heaven to come to earth to be spit on, mocked, abused, and his response to all of that is to wash feet and then hang on a cross, who are we to be too proud to serve those around us? God Bless you men, thank for you allowing me to work next to you day in and day out. 

Mumble Chatter: 

  • Hefty arrived to SVU this morning and the crowd went wild 
  • Mater discovered this morning that he is quiet the complainer..welcome to self awareness 
  • Crabby Patty pointed out the 21-15-9 with the blocks was actually if Mater didn't have enough to complain about.. 
  • Strudel and Shirley were just working to hard to crack on YHC but i felt the glares 
  • All in all a successful Tuesday Morning at SUV 


God Bless and Laces Out Dan! 
