How Original

Event Date

Jan 16, 2023

YHC arrived at 5:31am to see Mater and Sparrow getting back in their vehicles to leave.  How dare they?! They stayed and worked hard during this beatdown…..


  • BBBroga
  • Windmills 10 IC
  • Cotton Pickers 10 IC
  • mosey a lap


  • 10 plank jacks IC and sprint to next set of parking spaces and back, repeato 10 times
  • mosey a lap
  • 10 plank with feet jumping side to side 10 IC sprint two sets of parking spaces and back, repeato 10 times
  • mosey a lap
  • 5 mountain climbers IC sprint to next set of parking spaces and back, repeato 10 times


  • 30 LBCs IC
  • 15 pretzel crunches IC (Both sides)


A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil from the treasury of an evil heart.  What you say flows from what is in your heart.  Luke 6:45


Not much of this due to some heavy breathing and hard work.

YHC took some of this workout from last Wednesday’s at The Meatlocker, so Mater commented that it wasn’t that original.

Sparrow owes Mater a backblast, evidently.

Sparrow and Mater both worked hard and didn’t complain at all.

Missed everyone who OBVIOUSLY Fartsacked because it was a holiday.  Sorry, some people have to work!

God Bless you all, Dolittle