How to Avoid Getting Hit by a Deer!

19 Pax gathered around for an epic showdown between the King of Q’s versus the deer whisperer.  Two worthy opponents united by their desire for victory in the most glorious of all challenges in the Lake Norman area set out for battle in the early morning gloom.

Warm-O-Rama ensued in which we stretched and warmed up with SSH’s, Slow squats, merkins, and slippery dip cans.

Then, Toby pulled out his bag of tricks…  

Sorry, don’t remember everything that was completed then as YHC was mentally prepping for his round, but included something along the lines of:

  • Partnered up and split into two lines to compete against each other for:
    • Burpee Wave
    • Patty Cake Merkins
  • Agility work where Nantan was on battle rope and ladder exercises while rest of PAX performed burpees
  • Partner 1 team suicides versus Partner 2 team suicides
  • Pax would choose a card which determined the exercise
  • Finish up with a round of Mary

Then, AM-PM showed everyone how to not get hit by a deer…

As yours truly was recently attacked by a deer, have since developed the perfect workout to avoid this happening again and was more than happy to share with the PAX broken down into 4 segments of 5 minutes each

Step 1: Try and be invisible and not move by working on your core

5 minute plank

  • 1 minute regular
  • 1 minute in and out plank
  • 30 seconds left side
  • 30 seconds right side
  • 1 minute shoulder touch plank
  • 1 minute rock them heels

Step 2: If deer comes running at you try and avoid it

5 minutes of Agility Tabata exercises

  • 45 seconds apollo Ohno
  • 45 seconds high knees
  • 45 seconds bonnie blair/lunges
  • 45 seconds jump squats
  • 45 seconds Muhammad Alis

Step 3: If deer tries to tackle you then attack back

10’s ladder workout to increase your strength

  • Merkins 
  • Squats

Step 4:  If these don’t work, just try to outrun deer

  • Suicide rounds x2

After taking PAX successfully through these steps, YHC is confident you can avoid getting hit by a deer should you ever be faced with this scenario.

This seemed to resonate with the PAX as they knew this would be an invaluable life skill and ended up voting for yours truly 10-9 as the winner of this first round of Q v Q!

What an honor to compete against our first F in which I knew this would be a hard fought battle.  Thank you PAX for the opportunity to lead and Soprano for hosting this round.  On to the next round.


  • Prayers for crablegs as he continues to deal with the loss of his wife
  • Prayers for Little professors grandfather going through cancer treatment
  • Prayers for the bushuu (spelling?) family 

In him, 

