How to live forever

Event Date

Feb 19, 2019

Answer at the end.

Travolta, Grape Ape, Late Night, The Force, Amen, Nordberg

Solid group at launch and I was thinking it does not get much better than this, but then it is did as we extended our warm up lap to pick up Ninja Turtle who is on Ninja Standard time. NST is a little known time zone between EST and CST, which essentially adds 3 minutes to EST.

The plan for the day was to complete one minute of each exercise and not always in cadence to allow everyone to stay together but push himself at his own pace.


Each exercise for One Minute:

Side Straddle Hop

Mountain Climbers

Imperial Storm Troopers

Monkey Humpers

Pull up bar hang





Peoples Chair

Balls to the Wall

Wall Up’s

Incline Merkins

Rocky Balboas

Elbow Plank

Jaber Walky

Exercises, not timed:

Partner Carries each partner

Wheel Barrows each partner

Quadrafilia Two laps


At the end of the workout The Force accused me of being drunk, which is completely unfair. I ask how does a Q in February wet his whistle in order to call cadence without a nip from the flask. Apparently, water is an option and I will look into it.

The answer!

At one point during the work out Late Night shared the secret to immortality. An unbelievable revelation but The Force backed him up and their research comes from TV so the science has been settled.  

Apparently, if you do a 40 Merkin set every day then you will live forever.  Less than 40 see the scale below:

40 – Immortal

30 – Extreamly long life expectancy, likely to see the construction on 77 completed.  

20 – You will make it late into retirement so time to discover a 401k is not just the distance Ultraman runs each week.

10 – Good life expectancy but sorry you will never see your team back in the Super Bowl.

<10 – Don’t order that second cup of coffee

