How to Make Money at F3

Event Date

Jan 18, 2025

Six fine young gentlemen said “cold rain don’t skeer me” and showed to Mustang for the Saturday beatdown.


15 IC side straddle hops

10 IC cotton pickers

10 IC imperial storm troopers

10 IC windmills


Parking lot mosey around to the front of the gym.

Partner up

Round 1

Partner A runs up the first chute, then over to the next chute, back down and across to the front of the gym – while partner B does step-ups at the tables. Swap and Repeato until each team does 200 step-ups.

Round 2

Partner A sprints to the parked car at the second line, then walks the rest of the way to the top of the lot and back down – while partner B does incline merkins at the tables.Swap and Repeato until each team does 200 merkins.

Round 3

Partner A moseys a short lap around the flagpole – while partner B does LBCs. Swap and Repeato until each team does 400 LBCs.

Mosey back down to the launch and line up in the parking lot for…

Round 4

Partner A does quadraphelia to the second line and then walks back down- while partner B does Burpees!
Swap and Repeato until each team does 100 burpees or we run out of time (we ran out of time – teams got somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-60 burpees in each).


  • 5 IC Dr Ws


Psalm 139: 10 (ESV)

“even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.”


  • the rain was kind enough to hold off for the most part, which allowed us to use the parking lot more.  Which means…
  • …MO MONEY! MO MONEY! C# continued his assault on the financial well-being of ELHS students by discovering at least 45 cents that they dropped during the week and refusing them the opportunity to find it this coming week. This brings his 10-year-plus total to somewhere around $3.79.  At this rate, he’ll catch up to Moneyball’s one-day find in about 127 years.
  • great to have everyone out, even when they thought the weather was just gonna plain suck.
  • nice to see Marker back in the mix. You’ve been missed, brother!
  • as always, it’s an honor to be allowed to “lead” and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.