How to select an appropriate FiA workout for Berean

Event Date

Jul 11, 2022


YHC was paroozing Twitterverse on Sunday and came across a plea for help from G-Goat, who based on other tweets and pics YHC noted was DR.  YHC attempted to act like YHC never saw the plea…  but YHC couldn't let it go.  After a couple more hours and still no Q, YHC decided, "Why not drive past 2 other AOs to Q an AO starting earlier than all the rest?  Why?  Because Gnarly Goat would do the same.

So YHC thought about what to have the pax do, even received some unsolicited suggestions from FiA LKN, put together a plan, then did something completely different.  Here's how that went…

Macarena and YHC arrived about the same time – quite early actually, around 5:05AM.  Why?  No idea.  Then Bel Air's Honday rolled in and we were at our allowable pax max for the morning.  YHC only brought 3 KBs in addition to my big, long, thick, black… rope, so we closed all entrances to the parking lot and the 3 of us got after it.

To ensure no other pax could find us, we immediately exited the parking lot into the core of Birkdale.  We moseyed to the "grass" for Warm-o-Rama (the usual stuff), then moseyed to the theatre for 20 dips in cadence (burrrrrrrn), then down to the front of Dick's for some people's chair with applause, then stopped at Bonefish for more dips on our way back to the original launch point for toys.

Toys included 3 KBs and my big, long, thick, black…  rope.  So with little traffic at 5:30AM we triangled up for a series of KB exercises working top to bottom.  We broke those up with some mosey-weaving through the parking lot a bit.

To my recolection, we did:

Skull Crushers x 25 IC (these, combined with the 35 dips IC gave us 100+ single count dips/crushers for the #50ForFitness Challenge).

Alternating Shoulder Press x 10 IC

Colt 45 Curls:  Low x 15 IC, High x 15 IC, Full x 15 IC

Lawn Mower Pulls x 10 IC each arm

Bent Over Rows x 15 IC

Back to the Lawn Mower Pulls (time to mow the back yard) x 10 IC each arm

Dead Lifts x 10 IC

VERY slow KB spinal bend.  Sound strange?  It's not.  It's a Big Mean reco.  Stand up straight, arms straight w/ KB against the body. Act like you're against a wall, now slowly bend your neck, then back 1 vertebrae at a time.  Stretch at the bottom, then just a slowly back up.  This is great for the back when done intentionally and correctly.  Slowly, x 2.

Slow deep KB squats x 10 IC

Slow deep KB squat with 5 second hold at the bottom x 5

Christian McCalf-raise x 22 IC

Calf Stretch

MWAR – we all got 2 rounds on the big, long, thick, black… rope.  Unfortunately for Bel Air, he went twice in a row.  Ouch.


Go figure – no part of me wanted to drive to Birkdale for an 0515 start, plan a workout, etc.  Then YHC didn't sleep well (dog) and was that much more defeated when the 4:40AM alarm sounded.  But with Macarena and Bel Air to entertain, YHC was nothing but happy to lead from the second the watch showed 0515.  Enjoyed a venti coffee with Bel Air for a bit before a few pax from Arnie's arrived, and before YHC knew it, it was time to start the work week – and there was no better way to start it than to lead The Berean this morning.  So if there's any pax out there thinking about Q'ing – don't let anything hold you back. It feels great to give back to the pax, not to mention you get to do ONLY the exercises YOU want to do!  

Hope Gnarly Goat's travels are rewarding and safe – always enjoy seeing his pics with the big fam all together.  See you in the gloom soon.

That's it.  The Force is OUT (with another cup of coffee at the office)
