How was the workout? Here’s a hint: “It starts with S and ends with “ucked.”

The Hole Cards:

YHC showed up ready to Q, but Moses had been delivering Q-shaming body-blows to Boar Hog and so he arrived with a canine and a plan. The turnout was spectacular by BRP standards: 10 pax including two FNGs–a potential regular in Anthony (now Wango) and an FNG-1 from Maryland (unlikely to be a regular player anytime soon.

The Flop:

We ran all the way to the basketball courts, then did suicides with burpees–line touches at both free-throw lines and half court, then 1 burpee, then another set of suicides and 2 burpees. Shampoo, rinse, repeat until 10 burpees. As the reader might expect: this exercise sucked. 

Then we ignored the three artificial turf fields in favor of the wet baseball diamond outfield that was covered in cut grass. Running from foul pole to foul pole in arcs of varying radii, with the overachievers (Boar Hog and Uncle Rico) taking the long way home, we did 10 merkins on one side and 10 squats on the other, running back and forth until 1 rep of each. More suck happened here. 

Then more running and more exercises that sucked, with a bunch of crunches (although not LBCs because the Q kept calling for us to go "all the way up"–and that's neither "little" nor "baby" when it comes to crunches). 

A check on Moses's GPS watch revealed a 4.2+ mile distance for the workout, which is 3.2 miles more than this pax signed up for. 

Did I mention that this workout sucked? I mean: it was fun, it was beneficial, it was appropriate, but it sucked. 

The Turn: 

Circled up for name-o-rama and found Anthony (an FNG-2) ready for a name. Pit Stop was not fully prepared to bear the burden of the task, so the  pax got busy. He owns Defined Coffee in Huntersville (in addition to a "real" job), some coffee-related terms were thrown into the ring, but excluded for boringness. YHC picked up on his last name sounding like "Nugent" (as in "Ted") and that led YHC to "Motor City" or  "Madman" but we couldn't make those stick. Jethro was thinking of Nugent songs (we completely forgot "Cat Scratch Fever") and remembered "Wango Tango," which YHC shortened to "Wango," which was met with a consensus of acceptance.  Welcome to the club, my friend. I think you will be a great addition to the PAX (especially if you continue to show up to BRP). 

The River 

The COT was led by someone other than me (don't ask me for details after a workout; my brain is fried) and congratulations accompanied the fist-bumps. Encouragement to attend the Q Source was proffered and summarily ignored by most for various crappy reasons. 

Q Source at Waterbean was led officially by Nantan Bag Boy, but the VIP was Moses, with his great ideas, open mind, and encouragement of others' contributions. 

Thanks for going all-in with this awesome  Q, Boar Hog, and thanks to all who attended! 

The best participation sport ever is coming next Saturday with Mr. Holland's Q at BRP: ultimate Frisbee. Get ready for a great cardio and leg workout. Even the somewhat injured (like Moses) can play because there's no sprinting or cutting required. We'll take what you can give. See you then! 

