HRMs seemed like a good enough idea

*Chimichurri is FNG1, FNG2 = Justin McCarthy now known as Side Thing*


WarmoRama – Mosey for a tour of today’s AO and the Standards 

30 Hand Release Merkins

30 Iversons

Repeato at 20 reps

Repeato at 10 reps


Fast Mosey around the Cone and back to school entreence for Burpees and Squats

Get in Groups of 6, by height …. Not Fast enough, do some burpees

Pick up tables and bring them over to the parking lot


(Reiterate Disclaimer!!!)

PTPs (Picnic Table Presses x 25)

Flash Abs

More PTPs

Flash Abs

More PTPs

Flash Abs

Return the Tables

One Fast Sprint around the bus lot track

And back to cars for Mary



Problem with waiting two days to write the #BB is that I can't actaully remember anything we did.  What I worte above just sounds good enough to me. 

Welcome to Side Thing,  I don't care how the PAX arrived at that nickname, but I don't care, IT'S GREAT.

Picnic Table work almost didn't happen, when I ventured over the area where we last left them.  They were…. GONE.   Luckily, they had just been moved into more natural spots around the school.  We found enough of them. 

Lots of things going on around F3 LKN.  Check out twitter and the Annoucement tab of this webpage for deets.