Hub and Spoke

Event Date

Feb 11, 2019


Rain begets mud begets dirty shoes begets mad M; ergo YHC #strayed from the original plan and went with a hub and spoke strategy. 

4 maybe 5 met the standard because some anonymous pax demanded it. Tclaps

After a couple stutter starts due to just-in-time pax, we mosied around the lot for some standard  issue F3 warmorama:  SSH, Windmill, IST and Arm circles

Then we were off for the thang:

  • Run to roundabout (the hub)
  • Meow mix exercises 1-3
  • Run first spoke, 25 lbc’s and run back
  • Meow mix exercises 4-6
  • Run second spoke, 25 WWII sit-ups and run back
  • Meow mix exercises 7-9
  • Run with tempo third spoke, 25 dips and run back
  • 15 squats in cadence
  • Run last spoke and do 25 mason twist in cadence
  • Run back to homebase

Partner up for Dominos

  • Partner 1 X pattern dominos, Partner 2 bulldog merkins for 30 seconds each. Then flapjack
  • Partner 1 NKOTB dominos, Partner 2 crucifimerkins dor 30 seconds each. Then flapjack

Titan moleskin:

  • Many thanks to the pax who posted st Titan this morning. It was cold and raining but you chose to win. I hope I was a good steward of the time you afforded me. 
  • Pax left disheartened that 9Lives would not do the full NKOTB for dominos. We all know he is boy band material at heart
  • Speaking of 9Lives he is the embodiment of a #HIM. You thought the Meow Mix was pre-planned but it wasn’t. YHC was saddled with a killer headache and I knew I’d struggle exerting myself and counting cadence so I asked 9er on the spot to make something up. No questions asked, he just did it. Many thanks neighbor. 
  • Lawn Dart officially passed the Fallout MQ to Mona Lisa. But then Lawn Dart when into recruiting W’s like never before in his tenure. So I’m going to hedge my bets and say we are 99.4% sure he passed the torch. 
  • As per usual YHC forgot some funny mumblechatter. If your reading this and wondering what it was then just post next time. Right now the pax is reading it and remembering and laughing. If you are lucky they will sound off in the comments with a taste of it. 
  • #HIM extraordinaire Jedi has started a blog Sign up but is good stuff you don’t want to miss. 
  • Don Ho has the Q for next Titan. Get your shoes laced up and ready.