Humidity: 1 Q: 0

Not listed: Buckeye, FNG Robert

Mayhem got a lot of extra credit today with a solo run at 6 followed up by the standard with Moses and YHC.

Last week we noticed a guy (Robert) working out by himself by the track but we thought he was waiting on a group, so this week Moses decided to let him know about F3 (more to come later)

After the standard we head up to the launch point where the rest of the PAX were waiting.

7AM hot and off we go.


Mosey down to mid field of the football field

  • SSH, IST, Windmill, CP all IC
  • Downward dog with a bit of pigeon mixed in 
  • Mericans
  • Slow Mosey to the goal line

 The Thang:

Bear crawl to the 50 yard line, stopping every 10 yards for Mericans

  • 1 merican at the 10, 2 at the 20, etc.

Once you got to the 50, flip over to crab walks and finish the field doing WW1 sit ups every 10

At this point Moses runs over to Robert again and invites him to join and he does! (Nice work Moses)

Split into 2 groups of 5

  • PAX alternating lunge walk in a line while the last person in line runs to the front (100 yards)

Mosey to wall

  • Dips 10 IC
  • Incline Mericans 10 IC

Mosey back to goal line and partner up

Partner push down the field

  • Partner one pushes 20 yards, then Partner 2 pushes back 10 yards. Continue to the 50. Once you reach the 50 Partner 1 pushes all the way to the goal line
  • Repeato back the other way and partners switch who’s pushing 20 and 10

Mosey up to playground

  • 10 pull-ups OYO
  • grab a rock and return to playground

Descending rep exercises. Start at 10 work down to 2 by 2’s

  • Full curls
  • Shoulder press
  • Rock touch squats
  • At the 6 rep I got a bit lightheaded so the PAX took over while I got my breath back, thanks gents!
  • return rocks

Mosey to soccer field amphitheater

  • 10 step ups each leg
  • All these were 10 IC
  • Dips
  • Incline Mericans
  • Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Dips
  • Imcline Mericans 
  • butt touch squat

Mosey to launch

  • Circle of Mary (each pax picked an exercise when we got to them)
  • Pretzel Crunch
  • Mason twist
  • One leg LBC
  • (Can’t remember what Moses had us do, sorry!)
  • Mericans
  • (Can’t remember Jerseys or Ramrods either, double sorry!)

Recover recover 


  • Mayhem got in a lot of work today with a solo run at 6, standard at 6:30, then the beat down, nice job!
  • Shoutout to Moses going to EH Robert and to Robert for having the courage to join on the spot!
  • Word of caution, don’t be Ramrods Partner in Partner push exercises…. made me feel really inadequate really fast 
  • Thanks to the PAX for stepping up while i needed a breather
  • Its awesome to see bigger numbers at BRP again, if you haven’t come out you should it’s a great AO
  • Jersey Boy I vote for some Ultimate in the near future!

Mr. Holland