Hummer’s 11

**Ghostwipe and Thing 2 were also in attendance, but not yet registered on the WS

#thestandard was completed by 4 men.  Pierogi, Manhands, and Bigmean all ran 4, YHC ran 3 (was a litle late for the stunningly early 4:45 launch)

London has continued his exceptional summer of delegation and as such, I was given the reigns this AM to stoke the fire, sharpen the iron, fire the kiln, lather the….well you get the idea.  Here's our story.

Warm ups- Mozy, butt kickers, high knees, R/L karaoke

COP (IC)- SSH 20, IST 15, Mericans 10, Soybean pickers 10, KB swings 10 oyo

Partner up, head to the rectangle.  Partner #1 does 20 CDD's, #2 carries BOTH bells, #1 runs at an 'elevated' (NOT MEDIUM) pace to catch up to #2, rinse and repeat for one lap, plank.  Round #2 switch in 20 LBC's for the dry docks, same KB carry and run to catch up, capisce?  Plank to wait.

Pyramids- Curls- 20, lap fountain, 18, lap, 16, lap, 14, lap, 12, lap, 10–always plank to wait after each set.  Repeato with skull crushers, but no planking b/t sets, just go.  20 KB swings OYO at the finish.

Mary (IC)- Box cutters/cutter box 15/15, mason twists w or w/o KB 10, something else in there….I think. Recover, recover.


-The LACK of number counting can be a problem with heavy mumblechatter, counters need to count, mumblers need to mumble.  Too much of either es no bueno.

-Q'ing after a #thestandard is always a little risky, hope the PAX felt the pain….somewhat

-Seeing the new guys; Spinner, Flying Pig, Ghostwipe, Chef Boyardee getting strong and consistent is impressive……kudos.

-Here's to our respects, Cupcake and Deepend……they were awesome!

-Manhands has a hard time listening to direction due to his heavy mumblechatter.  Luckily, he has no problem asking for clarification……almost all the time.

-Kotter = Thing 2 (or is it II?)

-Gents, it's always an honor to serve you by leading, thanks for the opportunity.