4 men appeared for a beatdown for Hump Day at Muscle Beach.
SSH's x 25, WM x 15, CP x 15, TS x 15, MC x 10, Merkins x 10, Run around parking lot
The Thang:
Super Sets – 8 stations with 2 exercises, 10 reps performed of each exercise followed by a brief rest, then 10 more reps of each exercise, then proceed to next station.
- Chop Press / Row – 40lb sandbag
- Clean Press/ Shoulder Press – 30lb kettlebells
- Curl, Press, Crush/ Deadlift Row – 45/55lb kettlebell
- Man Maker Merkin/ Front Raise – 10lb dumbbells
- Ball Flys/ Curls – 25lb dumbbells
- Bent Flys/ Tricep Kickbacks – 15lb dumbbells
- Close Grip Bench/ Wide Grip Bench – 35lb kettlebells
- Step Ups/ Lunge Press – 20lb kettlebells
After completing one round, pax did another round with just 10 reps at each station
- Pax humped it today! 480 reps bro
- Very wet after last nights rain, earthworms everywhere! Natty is considering starting a non-profit earthworm rescue farm…
- Why do earthworms come out after heavy rains?
- Pax agree high seas and catamarans don't mix. It has been determined to cause much chum to appear.
- Good luck to Natty's son getting his license today!
- Good work by all! It was an honor men!