Humpday Happenings at The Brickyard

On a day when it would have been easier to fartsack after a barb driven vice presidential debate, 13 men gathered in the gloom to see what type of 'free' pain administration YHC was about to, well, administer.  The PLAN today was to Move Forward with Hummer to Make F3 Great Again, here's how it went:

Warm-ups:  Mosy to circle, high knees, butt kickers, R/L karoke, evolve into a COP- (IC)  SSH 20, IST 15, WM's 10, CP's 10, Mericans 15, MC's 20, mozy back up road to grassy knoll, 10 handclap Mericans, bear crawl up hill, 10 burpees, crab walk back down to curb, 10 dips to ensure tri's are 'warm'.  Warm-ups….check.

The Thang: Mozy to back parking lot of the AO,, lung walk 50 yds. to bricks, partner w/similar size, each partner grabs a brick, line up along line:

  • Partner one curls BOTH bricks, P2 crab walks to 2nd garage and back, rinse and repeat
  • P1 skull crushers BOTH bricks, P2 bear crawls to 3rd garage and back, rinse and repeat
  • P1 upright rows BOTH bricks, P2 sprints at to HVAC unit and back, rinse and repeat
  • P1 PIGGY BACKS P2 to HVAC unit, switch partners and return
  • P1 mil presses both bricks as, P2 lunge walks to 3rd garage and back, rinse and repeat

Mozy across the street to curb- 10 hand clap Mericans, head to wall, 10 Peter Parkers, to curb- 10 decline Mericans, to wall- 5 wall pushups.

Mozy down to next lot over, find a square, 10 hop touches to each quadrant, iron chair w/ multiple air presses (count was QUITE UNCLEAR), 10 hop touches in each quadrant–one footed w/each foot!

Mozy back to AO for Mary: (IC) Mason Twist 15, W's 15, Low Flutter 15, Low Dolly 15, Plank, Pickle Pounders 15 to finish


  • We began with 13, then 12, we found Lear, more on that later.
  • Exceptional work and mumblechatter by the pax, not sure which was greater, but it was a very tough contest.
  • Dolittle almost lost a finger in the brickpile, but rebounded, consulted Nymph, and was charged handsomely for said consultation (what happened to 'professional courtesy'?)
  • 'You've lost them'–this was said to YHC 1/2 through 'The Thang'–turns out, they had not been lost, but only one set of footprints was seen in the sand, our men needed to be carried, that was all.
  • This workout was shy of the 45 min standard, you're welcome Dolittle!
  • Speaking of #thestandard, Honeymoon, Loveshack, and Nymph ran 2.5 miles, in the 7's, ridiculously fast since the first two, along with Crack, are running the Half Marathon this Sat!!
  • Lear was found, at ChickFilA, for an outstanding coffeeteria along with THE Senator and Chief.  The Hendricks Empire, VP debate review, F3 benefits, and innate leadership topics were discussed.  We are all better men because of it.
  • Thanks Cupcake, for the chance to lead, this was a fun one no doubt