Hunt for Easter Eg… Pain!

Event Date

Mar 26, 2016


6 Isotope PAX and 1 Nomad, they call MiniMe, posted for a pre-Easter Pain hunt. Most pain was found in cadence but some was done OYO until YHC realized PAX was numerically challenged… or uh, special.


Mosey to top parking lot for a little joggy jog, carioca, high knees and butt-kickers. Finish at the basketball court.

SSH x 25, Cotton Picker x 15, 'Merican x 15, Windmill x 15, IST x 15, Downward Dog x 30sec, Upward Dog x 30sec, Pigeon Right x 30sec, Pigeon Left x 30sec, Mountain Climber x 15

Mosey to concession stand for begin search for pain.

The Thang

People's Chair x 1min

People's Chair w Air Press x 20

People's Chair w Touch dem Heels x 15

Dips x 15

Step-ups x 10 each leg OYO

Decline 'Mericans x 10

Dips x 15

Step-ups x 10 each leg (IC b/c some PAX lose count regularly on way to 10)

Decline 'Mericans x 10

Mosey to rock pile and continue search

Low curl x 10, High Curl x 10, Slow Curl x 10

Skull Crusher x 15

Shoulder Press x 15

Upright Row x 15

LBCs w/ rock x 15

WWII Sit-ups w/ Rock x 15 single count 

Chest Press x 15

Full Curl x 15

Put the rocks back and mosey to bottom corner of trail

'Mericans x 15, LBCs x 15

Mosey up to top of the trail and then down to the soccer field. Line up on sideline.

Complete THEE Burpee then sprint to other sideline. Complete THEE Burpee and sprint back. Complete 15 times.

Bunny hops up the stairs, mosey back down x 3

Quadraphelia up the hill, mosey back down x 10

Mosey back to launch point.


'Merican x 10

Low Flutter x 25

Dying Cockroach x 15

Pretzel Crunch Left x 10

Pretzel Crunch Right x 10

Elbow Plank (remaining time)



The Clown Car (Special Bus) showed up and did not disappoint. Mumblechatter galore. YHC, again with Clown Car present, counted exercises on my own.

Striker apologized profusely for the actions of S'mores and Shaken. He also inquired on how to effectively drop out of future clown cars. Not an option.

S'mores (WarDaddy) was self-appointed co-Q for much of the workout although his OYO counting ability is in question. His request for the PAX to hold-up on multiple occasions was well-received. Hope the "potty break" to get out of THEE Burpee was worth it. 

Shaken knocked out the WWII sit-ups w/ rock without his rock and dammit he didn't care who knew. He also effectively counted how many F-bombs were dropped. Don't believe he's stopped counting yet.

Landline and Thug (OG) provided the summary commentary of the Clown Car. Each of them crushed every exercise while keeping up with the chatter. Not easy to do. Well done men. 

Finally we were graced by the presence of a true nomad. The infamous MiniMe himself. He showed up late which is understandable for a first-timer. It was nice to be in his presence and learn from him the "true" ways to call an exercise. Like he would know. He's posted in Isotope twice in the last 9 months. Can someone contact the Nantaan or VP and let them know MiniMe could use some Q-school? Oh yeah, thanks for picking the weeds while you were here and helping to keep the grounds tidy. Come back again!

In all seriuosness, it is morings like this that bring me the most joy. A group of men that don't take themselves too seriously working together and pushing each other while having fun at one another's expense. What a great way to start a Saturday morning and Easter weekend. I'm honored to lead these men and appreciative of the push they provide to go farther than I would on my own. Thank you!