Hydrant Man

10 hard chargers sallied out in crisp, refreshing gloom for the earliest workout of the week at Berean.  We performed “the Hydrant Man”.

At a fire, the “hydrant man” is the poor son of a gun assigned the role of hooking up the hose to the hydrant.  No one wants this role, because it means you will very likely NOT be the hero attacking the fire or making a rescue.  Nope, you are just out there in the darkness … just you, and your trusty hydrant.  Nonetheless, it is a very important job, because we need the hydrant ASAP to ensure the fire goes O. U.  T.

Note to self:  Do not send Toxic or Three Rivers to be the hydrant man.

In addition to catching the hydrant, we stood around in a circle making sophomoric comments, passing gas, and generally being early morning buffoons.  Despite all this, Possum’s jump rope skills improved markedly over the course of the morning.

Because I care about your fitness, the workout included opportunity to enhance your strength, improve your cardio-vascular capability, and even improve your mobility.

After the workout, we enjoyed ONE HUNDRED PERCENT participation in coffeteria, where tall tales were told.

All in all, it was a morning on which hats may be hung.  Go out and have a high impact week gents!

Gnarly Goat sends. 
