I am a professional!

I show up at the Blender (known to have some good beat downs) with a workout planned that after writing last night, I didn't even want to go do.  As i arrive, i see a young lad with a 30 pound weight vest.  I think, who the heck wears a 30 pound vest to the Blender…?  Well nice to meet Cherry Bomb.  My goal was to make him think twice about that decision and hope i somewhat succeded.  below is our story:

Warmarama – AT this point, the PAX made it clear that i WAS NOT a professional

  • Running and some exercises
  • SPRINTS with Mountain Climbers

Here we go:

  • 21 KB Swings
  • 21 Burpees with ½ turn jumps
  • 15 KB Swings
  • 15 Burpees with ½ turn jumps
  • 9 KB Swings
  • 9 Burpees with ½ turn jumps

Run around the parking lot that goes around the bball field with sprints

  • 21 Thrusters
  • 21 hand release merkins
  • 15 Thrusters
  • 15 hand release merkins
  • 9 Thrusters
  • 9 hand release merkins

Run around the lot with some sprints

  • 21 curls to overhead press
  • 21 burpees and jump over your KB
  • 15 curls curls to overhead press
  • 15 burpees and then jump over your KB
  • 9 curls to overhead press
  • 9 burpees then jump over your KB

Run around the parking lot…again with sprints

Line up

  • Curls
  • sprint a couple islands
  • Merkins
  • sprint back
  • curls
  • sprint a couple islands
  • Merkins
  • sprint back
  • curls
  • Sprint a couple isldands
  • Merkins
  • Sprint back

Mary it up

  • low flutter with KB press
  • hold kettle bell up and legs six inches up
  • back to low flutter a bit
  • chest press
  • Plank
  • recover recover


  • Good to meet Cherry Bomb
  • great to see Auto and Lego at the Blender, they are beasts.  I told Lego it sucks when i am in a full sprint and he flies by and doesn't even look like he's trying
  • We missed caboose today, but i promised him monday there would be no burpees, so would have felt bad with a pretty big lie 
  • Good work by all.