I Am Not a Professional

I am not a professional.  That's how we kicked things off — like we do on most days.  And then I added that you may be doing some exercises you don't normally do.  The grumbling began, but fairly low undertones.  We kicked things off with a lap around the JVW parking lot track, followed by a pretty standard warm-o-rama.  IST, Windmill, Toy Soldier, Mountain Climbers, Mericans, SSH.  Like I said — standard stuff.  We then slow moseyed with our kettle bells to the main school entrance and chose partners, now prepared for the stupidity to come.  It was a DORA-style workout, with a run around the drop-off circle and partner exercises to 100 of the following:

– Squat to Press

– Dead Lift to Curl

– Chest Press to Eyebuster

– Sumo Squat to Upright Row

– Pullover to Ab Pulse Up

– Mason/Russian twist to Crazy Ivan (went to 60 — really hard)

There was a bit of mobility, some planking, etc. worked in, then we did an Around te World back to launch.

Mary – had time for LBC with kettle bell, and THE Burpee.


– Moses volunteered to take us out, which was a GREAT story about how he basically saved someone's life by being kind at an F3 workout.  Have him tell you sometime, but the moral was that all of us can and probably have made a difference in someone else's life, just by being friendly at a workout, helping them while they're down, or EH'ing them to begin with.  So don't stop trying to share F3 with others, and support your brothers.

– Good chatter throughout — lost my count during windmills, so we added an extra; Around the World seems a little self-centered, when you are simply rotating the bell around yourself.

– Timecheck was true to his name, arriving ~10 minutes late.  We worked him into the Thang, no problem.  

– Titan tried to catch Hippie on a run.  Nope.

– I totaled 1.94 miles.  That's actually a lot for a ManMaker workout.  Oh yeah, and I think the exercises worked out ok.  Except for the Crazy Ivan thing.  I don't think that one will catch on anytime soon.

– Announcements:  Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving followed by breakfast at Shaken's house.  Christmas Party December 1.  New Year's workout will follow with breakfast at Callahan's.  Bagboy is selling real Christmas trees for one more day.  And wreaths and bows and stuff — help out his kid with Scouts if you can.

– Great to see all these guys out, and most at coffeeteria.  When you roll into the lot as the Q and it's empty, there's always that feeling that maybe this will be the day that nobody shows up and you have to make the decision to sad clown it or go back to bed.  Thanks for showing up so I didn't need to make that choice today.  

