I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul

5:30:00 zamp to the back of CRC, my home away from home.  YHC usually runs on Tuesdays but felt Freed to Lead the rock this morning.  Usain, Deadpool, Contra, and Totebag ran.  

Warming of the Up

Lap around the building to make sure everyone knows the way

Hillbilly, Windmill (It's ok to do if Crack isn't there…and he wasn't), Harry Rockette

Thang 1 and Thang 2

The PB apprised of an immenent old "school" beatdown.  I give you the Billy Madison!  The synopsis according to IMDB: In order to inherit his fed up father's hotel empire, an immature and lazy man must repeat grades 1-12 all over again.

 YHC couldn't have asked for a more immature and lazy group.  

1 exercise x12 oyo reps, run a lap.  2 exercises x12, run a lap, etc.

Curls, squats, skulls, bent row, military, swings, lunges, Shambalas, flutter press, urr, merkin drag, burpees.

Added a detention chair every 2nd round with overhead claps and seal claps for fun

Zamp back to start for a 6:14:52 finish

Moleskin of the Nekkid Man

Cupcake has to be first.  And then even says so in a weirdly feminine voice.

Pink Slip has to be second.  But doesn't brag like Cupcake.

Half of the Swamp Fox team was there

Deepend wasn't one of them

Lear hid and scared us.  There were no paintballs.

Tombstone used a shopping cart in lieu of a bell.  Read that again.

Prayers for TickTock's daughter and Tombstone's mom.  Pray for them!  It works.

Thanks for the keys Ladybug.

Cheers, Cheez Whiz