I Believe it was Rigged

Event Date

Sep 27, 2019


Cross your feet and stretch down and swapped it up 10 count

Feet together and stretch down 10 count

Rebound and Ziploc show up as promissed


The Thang

Bring the bells to the gate in the parking lot w/ Rebounds 45 dumbell

5 minutes of pour instructions and then begin

Bear crawl relay with the 45 dumbell/ swap after 10 dumbell movements

When you finish with your turn on the bear crawls you call the exercise for the other PAX to do a count of 10 of that exercise

We rotated our way to in front of the gym swapping up with the 45 dumbell and calling the exercise

Circle up for putting our fate in the dice. 

I am not even going to try to explain the rules. 

We rolled the dice and Ziploc and Rebound did Burpees while we did other exercises. 

Zamparini back to the launch pad.


15 Pretzel crunch both sides IC 

10 In and Outs IC



Micah 6:8 

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
    and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
    and to walk humbly with your God.

We know what is right now just do it. 


Rebound may have the best form ever on Burpees

If you want to make quick money gamble with Rebound and Ziploc. They lose every time. 

We found out why Mrs. Scope is attracted to Scope

Rules are meant to be broken. Especially when you can't remember what the rules are.

School bus liked the rules, because it had built in breaks.

Twinkle didn't say much he just made himself more buff. 

YHC had a good time this morning. Thank you guys for pushing me every day. Thanks for letting me lead. 
