I can’t remember the BB title

Event Date

Jul 12, 2023

**Disclaimer:  Hotbox actually told me what the title of the BB should be but alas I forgot**

Good feeling morning.  Rather light air considering it is July.  Good day to stretch the lungs with some laps.

0530 and we off


  • walk to the track.  don’t run, just walk. 
  • 1 mile warm up
  • SSHx10ic
  • ISTx10ic
  • Windmill x10ic

Tha thang:   week 1 of my F.I.R.S.T. marathon training plan for trackwork.  8 x 400’s at tempo pace with 200 recover mosey inbtwixt them.

COP happened


  • it really freaks the pax out when you start of a track workout by walking
  • Turnpike knows things.  We all shot out of our cannons.  Drebin’s naturally a stronger cannon than the rest.  But Turnpike took the go-slow-to-go-fast approach.  By the 7th set he was out in front and nearly lapped us on the 8th.
  • Tantrum ran faster than most but he phoned it in today.  He won’t admit it.  He’ll say he went all out.  But Tantrum has a tell.  When he gets after it he forcefully expels air and you can hear him across the track.  He was quiet as a mouse today.  Probably tapering so that he can crush Caboose tomorrow.
  • Hotbox is back!!!  Well he never went away, but it is good to have him back in the gloom.  And as predicted….. crushing it.
  • #Cobains to all the bootcamp AOs out there but it is official:  Chilly Willy is a runner now.  From here on out it is two running workouts and 4 OTB runs per week, just like the rest of us pax that won’t admit we do that either.
  • What I learned today:  at some point a comment was made that YHC would keep up with Drebin on the last lap.  Apparently he heard that from half a lap away.  Come the last lap Drebin said alright Stray let’s do it.  Hotbox jumped right in and said let’s go Stray.  And it happened.  My Toby Keith “i ain’t as good as I once was but i’m as good once as i ever was” lap.  Drebin right there motivating and pushing me hard.  Hotbox right on the other side encouraging me.  Tantrum and Chilly Willy on my heels making sure I had no escape route.  It was awesome.  To keep the language PG let me just say I smucking foked that lap.  
    • So be a Drebin:  be that guy that will love you no matter what, but at the same time believes there is more in you than you believe, and is willing to pull it out of you.
    • So be a Hotbox:  when someone takes on a challenge, rise to that challenge with them by their side offering encouragement.
      • But always kick it in high gear at the end just to show them who is still the real alpha male 🙂