I checked my Garmin and we ran 0.000 miles

My preblast seemed to work. Shaken Not Stirred and Hat Trick both commented the promise of no running and no burpees drew them out today.  Pretty sure Stapler said the same too.

Today we did the “Super 21”.  This is a pretty simple workout (simple to document I mean). You do a handful of exercises, either 21 reps from the get-go, or you ladder up to 21 from 1.  


  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Carrot Puller
  • Toy Soldier

The Thang

Do 1 `merkin, do 1 ` WWI sit-up. Then do 2 `merkins, then do 2 sit-ups. Then do 3 `merkins followed by 3 WWI sit-ups. That’s the first set. We do that pattern {1,2,3}, then we do a break exercise. Then we come back and do a set where the reps are 4, 5, and 6 – followed by another break exercise. You keep going with that pattern, i.e., 7-8-9, break exercise, 10-11-12, break exercise, 13-14-15, break exercise, 16-17-18, break exercise, and finally 19-20-21.


For the break exercises we did:

  • 3 sets of 21 reps of Mountain Climbers (after 1-2-3).
    • These were single-counted, i.e., 1-and-2-and-3-and…, all the way to 21
  • 3 sets of 21 reps of Monkey Humpers (after 4-5-6).
    • These were single-counted, i.e., 1-and-2-and-3-and…, all the way to 21
  • 3 sets of 21 reps of Imperial Storm Troopers (after 7-8-9).
    • These were F3-counted, i.e., 1-2-3-(one), 1-2-3-(two)…, all the way to 21
  • 3 sets of 21 reps of Hillbillies (after 10-11-12). 
    • These were F3-counted, i.e., 1-2-3-(one), 1-2-3-(two)…, all the way to 21
  • 1.5 sets of 21 reps of Crab Cakes (after 13-14-15). These were F3-counted, i.e., 1-2-3-(one), 1-2-3-(two)…, all the way to 21
  • 3 sets of 21 reps of Copperhead Squats (after 16-17-18).
    • These were F3-counted, i.e., 1-2-3-(one), 1-2-3-(two)…, all the way to 21
  • No break exercise after 19-20-21 because Mary


  • 15 Jane Fondas
  • 15 Low Flutters
  • 15 Pretzel Crunches


  • I recall receiving numerous accolades for the simplicity of the workout’s design. I also recall no questions about how many reps of merkins or sit-ups we were doing.  All-in-all, the Pax were incredibly pleased with me today.  /s
  • Deep Dish took us out with a prayer
  • Thanks Eeyore for lending me your AO and thanks to the Pax that joined us today in the gloom.

Age Stats for Nerds

  • Mean: 47.3 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 49 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 47 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 53 (highest age)
  • Min: 36 (lowest age)
  • Count: 11 (count of pax)
  • Standard Deviation: 4.94148 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)
  • Kurtosis: 1.79919 (indicates how “tailed” the data, i.e., are there outliers)
  • Skewness: -1.3543 (describes the asymmetry of the data with respect to the mean, i.e., are we leaning left or right in a normal distribution. for about 3/4 of my qs, the skew leans negative, which is not surprising given the likelihood of more guys in their upper 40s/low 50s coupled with 2-3 pax in their 30s.)

