I don’t think the hard stuff is going to come down for awhile yet

Event Date

May 26, 2018


10 came out to a light misty start to SVU.  It got better.

As we gathered there was a light mist coming down.  We greet our FNG Thomas, sponsored by Anvil who hails from Hickory.  



20 IC Tony Hawks


10 IC Windmills

Indian Run to the bottom of Sailview Drive (Last person drops for 3 Merks-Sprints to the front)


Round 1:

1: Merkins until failure and then plank; 2: High-Knees to the top of the Hill/Mosey back

Round 2:

1: Pickle Pounder until failure and then reverse plank; 2: High-Knee Skips to top of hill/mosey back

Indian Run to the Church (Last person drops for 3 Merks-Sprints to the front)

Same Partners:

Round 3:

1: Rock Curls; 2: Bear Crawl parking lot away; Crabwalk parking lot coming back

Round 4:

1: Skull Crushers w/ Rock; 2: Inchworms parking lot

Indian Run w/ 3 Merks at the back 

Pit Stop at back entrance for 10 IC Diamond Merkins to keep the pack together

STOP at the bottom of Sailview Dr. Hill for:

Round 5:

1: 1 legged-bounds up the hill; 2: Merkins to failure-then plank

Round 6:

1: Quick feet up the hill; 2: Pickle Pounders-then reverse plank

Indian Run w/ 3 merks at the back to the top of the hill

STOP for 10 IC WWIs

Indian Run back to the AO

:30 Mason Twist


So much "bad" stuff going on in our world.  Shootings at our churches, schools, malls, you name it.  It is SO easy to be saturated in hate towards those responsible.  Yet he calls us to forgive.  Isn't that so hard? It is SO much easier to Hate.  The media glorifies it to some degree.  We've become numb to it.  Routine alerts pop up on our phones around the latest incident.  3 people dead here. 10 people dead there.  How do deal with the hate?  Internalize it?  Act out? How do we release it?  I've tried not to become numb to it.  It can happen in any community.  We are by no means sheltered from it.  We ARE our community though.  We all are responsible for what we create.  We need to stay watchful.  Be vigilent.  Support those who need it.  In these times I like to concentrate on the support and rallying that the affected community develops after the incident.  It is amazing how resilient we can be when we have to be.  With so much Hate, it is easy to turn to Hate.  We must take comfort in the fact that GOD will judge those responsible.  Not us.  We need to be the support for those who need it most.  


 – Atlantis and Cheetah talked about re-starting the pre-workout swims; talk to them about details

 – FNG Thomas joins us, was a former tow truck driver, but Mater and Cooter were already taken. SO, Anvil promised to bring him back so that we can have some more time to name him

 – Shirley brings out Ricochet 2.0 and he looks like he could give Frisbee a run for his money.  Super fast like his dad.

 – Our beloved Theuss makes a triumphant return!  We missed you buddy.  Glad you are back. (He still is the best smelling PAX we have ever had)

 – The rain came down hard.  No where to hide.  Mid-way through we embraced it.  Fully saturated, we then ran through streams, etc.  Vortex was used to being drenched in his own sweat so he didn't seem to notice it was raining.

 – We have not had a good rain during a workout in awhile.  It was a good change-up.

 – As always, and Honor to lead and be led by you gentlemen, have blessed long weekend!

