I Get Knocked Down When I Wish I Had A Whiskey Drink

Pax still in Slack Purgatory included- Pink Slip, Egg Salad, Private Pyle, and Stroker Ace.  FNG-1 soon to be named Tote Bag rounded out the 16 on this fine Monday morning.  Lear led us in The Pledge before a short Mozy to the back of the church.


IC- in cadence, always in cadence

SSH x15, Windmill x15, CP x15, IST x15

The Thang:

Mozy down to the shelter.

20 step ups right leg, 10 dips, 20 step ups left leg, 10 dips.  IC- always in cadence


Mozy back to back of the church.

Global Warming- circle up, all PAX in Al Gore, two steps right followed by a burpee, back to Al Gore.  8 rounds

Walls of Jerico- 10 count exercise followed by a run around the building, forward leaning rest to reconvene.  All exercises IC (except Bobby Hurley because I guess the rules don't apply to Duke).  Exercises- Merican, Squats, LBC, Burpees, Plank Jacks, Lunges, Bobby Hurley.   It was supposed to be 8 rounds but we stopped at 7 because Cupcake had yet to break a sweat so…

Chumbaburpee- circle up tight to hear Tubthumper and do a Burpee for "I get knocked down".  27 total, ouch.


Hurricane Hoedown- 3 part Flutter Kick circuit IC x7, Low Dolly IC x10, Dead Bug IC x10


Welcome Jason Leighton (sp?) as Tote Bag because he's in radio, NPR is always asking for money, and you get a swell free gift if you donate.  Or something like that.  

Announcements- Lots to do this coming Saturday, Grand Opening of new Charlotte Running Company from 10-5.  Followed by F2 at Casa de Strutter from 6-10.  More details on Slack.

Prayers- continue to keep TickTock, his daughter, and his family in your prayers.  

#operationheadlock is in full effect as we've named an FNG at the last 5 workouts I believe.  We need them more than they need us.  Keep up the good work.