I got a plan and I’m sticking to it (sorta)

Event Date

Mar 24, 2023


FNG-1 is Yellow Cart who may be on the website and perhaps YHC user error is the culprit.

5 road warriors met at the AO to greet the morning.  Also greeted the OTB guys who preferred to sling bells and not get credit on our website.  The Candy Shop pax however was not present to be greeted and will not credit on the website for their “convergence”.

0530 occurred so this happened

The thang:  4.65mile route through Birkdale.  A .95 extender loop was at the ready should the rabbits want to run faster and go long. 

Then COT happened.


  • Friday has become run day.  So many options.  But Odyssey (the namesake, not the current AO) was the original Friday.  And it still delivers.  Check it out.
  • If you got a 2.something get them out to post in the morning.  They’ll have plenty of time to sleep in class.
  • I’m gonna take credit for planning that route to end with a full last mile downhill.  Yep that was intentional.
  • What I learned today:  Most runs are hard, even the good ones.  Some times you trudge though with cement shoes.  Sometimes you fly through a PR pace but are drained by doing it.  But then there is the perfect run.  Just like that one time you make perfect contact on a golf swing….it feels silky smooth and even sounds different.   The perfect run is that way.  You get that perfect run with good weather, a solid pace, and a continual “silky smooth” conversation from the pax.  That’s what we got today.  Everyone deserves that run.  Its available at Odyssey, its available at other running AOs.  But you can only experience it when you experience it.