I got dibs on top

Event Date

Apr 25, 2019


I pulled in to an empty parking lot at Lake Forest Church at 5:25 this morning; secretly hoping that my "we're filling up the calendar" tweet from the night before was met with a bunch of fartsackers.  Maybe it's because I've been MQ at Samson for a little over 3 years, or maybe it's because my days are jam packed with trying to run a business, coach a Varsity softball team which practices or plays games every day of the week, or perhaps it's because we're trying to de-clutter our house to possibly put it on the market to get my daughters in a better school district.  I think my 78 year old Mom and her "I don't know why my electric chair doesn't work" or the "I got a blue screen on my computer…but don't worry, I called the number on the screen and a nice gentlemen named Kamal only charged me $240 to fix it", may have something to do with it..  Yep Mom…and he stole your passwords to your bank account so good work!  

At 5:26 Hasselhoff appeared, followed closely by Swede…then Tugboat…then Baller rolled in…followed by Mona Lisa.  Dang…gotta come up with a workout!  

Quick thinking prevailed once again as a workout plan started to brew in YHC's head.  "We could have an epic 3 on 3 touch football game", I declared.  Let's mosey.  Wait, another car entered the parking lot.  Dang…that would make the numbers odd (with 7)…now what?  We continued to mosey past the car that just parked, and out pops a chick getting ready for her coffee shift at the church.  "Let's play shirts against skins" offered Swede.  Chuckles & giggles prevailed as we continued to mosey around the lit parking lot.  We made our way to the back of the lot as Hasselhoff shared a story about how he recently went on a guided hang-gliding adventure.  I just pictured a middle-aged man on the back of Hoff (as his guide) 1200 feet up in the air screaming, "I got dibs on top".  But once that picture was out of my head, the adventure sounded WAY cool.  

The workout: warmups, blocks lifted and put down, and lifted some more.  Blocks were slid across the parking lot in one direction.  Then they were placed on our laps as we crab walked back to the starting position.  Tugboat provided a 4-letter word FROG(S) which we spelled out as we island hopped our way back to the vehicles (to get the football of course).  Full frontal curls X 10 (Zamporini to next island), Raised heel raises X 10 (next island), Oblique twists x 10 (next island), Richard Gere's (think monkey humpers) x 10 (next island), and Slow CB squats x 10 (get football out of truck).  

Quick 3 on 3 game of touch football where the clear winners were the losers…or maybe I have that backwards.  Either way, advancing fumbles and forward laterals may or may not have been witnessed #Show2Know.  

COT: Our unofficial-official passing of the torch ceremony commenced, with everyone in attendance accepting one week of Q'ing for the next 8 weeks.  This was made a lot easier since Mona Lisa is Q'ing every day in the Month of May…not just on Thursday's at Samson…but EVERY DAYin May at various AO's around the Lake Norman area. Tip of the hat to that #HIM.

I leave Samson in very good hands…arguably BETTER hands…with Hasselhoff taking the helm.  At 53 (RESPECT) he's in better shape than most (except Baller who's just a down-right stud).  But the time has come to pass on the responsibility to the Hoff…throw one of the legs of the Starfish into the ocean…and watch this wonderful AO shine.  I promise not to fartsack fellas…if you promise to allow me to have dibs on top.  

Until next week!
