I got my Swoll on

11 battle-tested Gloom warriors posted for a post-Steelers beating to take one of their own at Arnie’s Army.

The Thang:

2 laps around the lot, (backward on the uphill)

SSH X 101

Cotton Picker X 15

Downward Dog

Donkey Kick X 15

Imperial Storm Trooper X 15

Mosey to far side of The Bridge.  (Is that bridge named?)

Partner up: size is irrelevant, drive is relevant.

Partner 1: 40 ‘Mericans, Partner 2 squats while waiting for 1 to finish.  Swap and repeat.  Run to far end of bridge and return.

Repeat sequence for reps of 30, 20 & 10.

Next Exercise, same set-up:

Partner 1: 30 Jump squats while partner 2 does LBCs. Swap and repeat.  Run the length of bridge and back.

Repeat sequence for reps of 20 & 10.

Next exercise, same set-up:

Partner 1: 20 Burpees while Partner 2 does The W.  Swap and repeat.  Run the length of bridge and back.

Repeat sequence for reps of 10.

Next exercise, same set-up:

Partner 1: 10 plank-jacks while Partner 2 does ‘Mericans. Swap and repeat. Run the bridge and back. 

All pax gather on far end of bridge for the classic Bridge Bear Crawl.  Everyone 3 times through.

Mosey to pull-up bars for:

15 pull-ups

15 chin-ups

15 straight-leg lifts

Mosey back to launch and COT.  No time for MARY today.



  1. Near as I can tell, Tagless was onsite and ready to go by 05:15- all business, no play.
  2. Believe it was Sudz who came to his senses and rolled in just a tad late.  He was probably emulating Land Line and Ninja Turtle, neither of whom posted.  (scared?)
  3. The Geek’s comment at the end that he “got his ‘swoll’ on” or something like that sparked a flurry of Twitter banter. It was a bit disturbing (and confusing), and we’re concerned about his poor M after that workout.  Can someone check on her and make sure she’s ok? Seriously.
  4. Gnarly Goat blasted out ‘Mericans almost as fast as Kid Rock.  Man, those new gloves Kid picked up were really helpful!
  5. Stromboli apparently looks upon 101 SSH with much disdain.  You did stay relatively dry, right?  That was your request.
  6. Noticed Gumby had worked up a sweat by the time COT rolled around, but did he complain? Nope, just rolled with it.  Unlike you other pansies.
  7. Apparently Thug needs some bear-crawl training, as he was called out by the form police for improper buttocks positioning.  (“Get that ass down, Thug” I believe was the criticism)
  8. Poor Lone Star can’t catch a break.  Recovering from a bum shoulder and doing SSH at half-speed while The F3 Bullies, AKA Kid Rock and The Geek, keep piling on.  You boys better watch your backs, just sayin’.  Nice work Lone Star.
  9. Amen kept a low profile and pushed on through.  His partner did enough talking for the team.  And he has the Gladiator Q tomorrow.  I wonder how many SSH he’ll call…
  10. Looking forward to sore calves in the morning.
  11. Oh, and Moses chickened out, as expected.  Typical bean-counter behavior.  He’ll tell you what you want to hear, set all your worries at ease, then BAM!  He pulls a no-show and gives some lame excuse about how important he is now that he isn’t working for The Man, because now he IS The Man. He can no longer be bothered with normal peons like us.  That’s how I read it, anyway.
  12. Fun times today, boys.  Thanks for Posting and thanks to Callahan for the opportunity.