I have something that rhymes with Bucket List

Good morning, good weather, good pax, goodness happened.  Wanna read about it?  

0515: YHC rolls in a bit early.  Though no #Standard was preblasted I still expected some pax to be doing one.  Nope just two deer chilling in the parking lot, waiting for the Q.

0518: Having sent the deer into the woods because they were Doe not Bucks and this is about male community envigoration, YHC's mind started drifting.  You see Jolly Roger is the most legendary grass roots community builder Isotope/NoCo/LKN/Laketope has or will ever know.  He #pb'd a convergence of Caboose with Samson yesterday.  But now as I sit solo in the parking lot, I begin to wonder if he used his burner phone to text all of Isotope and tell them to stay away from Samson just to see if I would #sadclown my own workout.  To be honest that would have been funny and I'm mostly sure I would have just left for coffee and laughed.

0519-0529: Gambini shows up and gets a brief Standard in.  The rest of the pax role in.

0529:58:  Is that a serial killer lurking in that van pulling around from the back of the church?  No it has windows in it.  Is that a gang creeping up for a drive by?  No I hear music playing.  Oh then its the ice cream truck.  Fellas, rocket pops all around on the house.  No wait that isn't ice cream truck music, that sounds like the Queen's jubilee march.   And then we see it……the triumphant entry of every single Y-chromosomed resident of Torance neighborhood all crammed into a sprinter van.  #clowncar on a whole new level and it was awesome.

0530ish:  the astonishment wears off, the van is still doing victory laps and the guys are doing beauty pageant waives.  But we came for a workout so off we go.

Warmorama:  lap around the lot.  Things disclaimed.  ISTx10ic, SSHx15ic, Windmillx10ic.

The thang:

  • Mosey to back of lot and pick out the cinderblocks.  How many?  Don't know.  Really the only goal was to get some cinderblocks out there so that they may be used OYO in the workout later.  But the pax were talking if we had enough yada yada yada.  YHC started thinking…….and that's when we went off the rails.
  • Group counted off by 4's and did it successfully!  We ended up with an even set of 5 groups of 4.  Queue the good angel on my shoulder "that's cool, now send them off to their buckets and start the bucket list WIB."   Enter the bad angel on the other shoulder "or, work with me now, remember that idea you had when you were daydreaming instead of paying attention on the zoom call?  this could work.  the numbers align so you know it's meant to be."   
  • < YHC checks the math, agrees and starts to lay out the nextercise >   < bad angel chuckles "muahaha" >
  • So the math worked when looked at the right way.  YHC didn't consult with the Actuary in attendance.  I botched it.  Oh well just move on.
  • Enter "The Bucket List"
    • at both ends of each row in the parking lot was a "bucket" (actually takeout tupperware) that had several pieces of paper with an exercise and then an instruction where to go to next.  So basically a choose your own adventure WIB if you will.  Each pax picks their own, therefore no one follows the same path and each station has pax doing different exercises too.   You vs you at it's finest!!!  Or so I thought.
    • After instruction, YHC takes off to a bucket.  Happy Gilmore takes off to another bucket.  All other pax go to the same bucket and decide to do the same exercises……..you know just a regular everyday F3 bootcamp experience.
    • YHC and Happy Gilmore eventually decide we should partner up because, misery loves company and we kept picking the same exercise cards so we were following eachother anyway. 
    • The group of superdelegates — yes they were superdelegates because by that time Gambini had already convinced every one of them to run for local office in the fall election — decided to break up into two factions (for the sake of this backblast we'll call the the Leftist and the Right Wingers).
    • The Straying Happy Gilmores ended up at the cinderblocks with the Right Wingers.  At which point YHC appologizes for the botched beginning due to my bad math.  9 Lives asked what was the intent.  And upon hearing, the present pax decide let's give it a shot. 
      • Pax 1 farmer carries two cinderblocks to end of lot and back.  Meanwhile Pax 2 does squats, Pax 3 does carolina dry docks, and Pax 4 does merkins.   The inspiration was that evolution picture where the ape turns into the neanderthal, turns into the homo-erectus, turns in to the man.  Picture it….it might make sense.  I don't know I was daydreaming on a zoom call when it hit me.
      • Overall I think it worked, when properly instructed.  Oh and in the instructions you will want to inform Pax 4 that they can face sideways while doing merkins or else their view is the south end of a north bound carolina dry docker.
      • ***meanwhile in a galaxy far far away enough in the parking lot for the Q not to notice, the Leftists were doing an exercise that was definitely not one YHC put in the bucket.
    • Fate brings the Leftists to the cinderblock location right on time to put them back and do a mini-Mary:  LBC's x 15ic, Touch them heels x15ic.
    • Recover Recover


  • Guess what……there is Christmas party.  And this time it isn't too early to announce because Hobby Lobby has already put out their Christmas section.
  • I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Please consider supporting Operation Sweet Tooth in the upcoming Christina Latini Memorial 8K.  Run if you can, if not, please donate.  Lives will be saved and children will be nurtured by your support of Operation Sweet Tooth.  Were you going to do something that great with your $40…..NO you weren't.  Help Olive turn #painintopurpose and improve our community.
  • Happy Birthday (tomorrow) to our MQ Hasselhoff.

0616:  Dallas appears.

Buckets of moleskin:   Well the moleskin may be light today because I threw most of it into the regular write up.  But……

  • The WIB was called "The Bucket List".   #PB had a gif of Obama saying "I got something for you that rhymes with Bucket List".  That turned out to be rather prophetic.  The thing fell apart early due to a #Qfail.  YHC appologized.  Through non-verbal communication the pax said something that rhymes with "Bucket" which was their way of saying.  "It's all good, let's get after it."  And we did.
  • So the lesson for today:   You can plan.  You can be the most diligent, organized, and structured person you think you are.  You can be a great leader.   But there will be a time where you fail.  Or where circumstances don't go the way you orchestrate.  That doesn't define the outcome.  That only defines the current state.  How do you still get the best outcome: 1) be genuine and be positive, and 2) surround yourselve with a group of people who will pick you up and not let you fail; who will walk with you and turn a lemon into lemonade; people who invest in you the way you invest in them.   We didn't accomplish exactly what I envisioned but you know what, we accomplished something better.
  • As the workout unfolded, I heard a few different times "hey we're just straying the course."  *big-smile* *fistbump*
  • Second lesson:  I hadn't seen Burner in a long time and I wasn't the only one.  I've seen him twice recently.  I was excited to see him and I've noticed each time at least 5-6 other pax who hadn't seen him in a while approached him with a smile and wanted to catch up.  Live your life like Burner.  Be someone that when people see you……they want to see you.
  • Dallas showed up at the end.  He said he got there a minute late and we already started and he didn't want to interrupt.  That is Dallas-speak for "i only came because i thought we might be running 5 miles".
  • Thank you Hasselhoff for letting me bring the week of stray to Samson.  It was a pleasure.  And I hope you have a great birthday tomorrow.
  • Samson is complete and the week of stray rolls on to Odyssey tomorrow.  It is a running exercise but I have a planned a couple routes so all are still welcome.  If you can't or don't want to make it, then please enjoy another of Isotopes great AOs with a great Q.
  • #straythecourse