“I love Leg Day,” said everyone, ever

Event Date

Jul 31, 2024

4 pax posted at The Mighty Oak this a.m. for an advertised “good ol’ fashioned beatdown,” which for the most part ended up being, much to everyone’s delight, leg day.  Actually don’t know if they were really delighted, but I like to think they were.  Who doesn’t love leg day?  Plus, we want to run like Mays.  We can worry about hitting like Hayes another day. 

Matlock ran a short standard, “maybe a mile,” he reported.

Roadie came in on two wheels, but was parked before the clock hit 5:30.

Mosey around the parking lot with some high knees, buttkickers, and “awful lot of running” comments.

Circle up, disclaimer.  YHC welcomed the men to The Mighty Oak and was actually correct in saying that this time.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Merican x 10 IC

The Thang

Mosey to end of parking lot.  Traverse length of parking lot x2, alternating between bear crawls and lunge walks, switching at each island.

Mosey to planter boxes at front of school for the following:

  • Step Up x 20 OYO each leg
  • Dip x 15 IC
  • Bulgarian Split Squat x 10 OYO each leg

Mosey to wall for wall sit x 30 sec, get 6 inches lower, then Touch Them Heels x 10 IC.

Mosey to back of school, grab blocks.  Circle up in bus lot.

  • Curl x 15 IC
  • Slow Thrusters x 15
  • Skullcrusher x 10 IC

Easy lap around parking lot.  Partner up.

  • Two partners run together in one direction, other two partners farmer carry blocks in opposite direction.  Switch when pax meet.
  • Repeato, replacing farmer carry with Zamperini.

Circle back up with blocks.

  • Chest Press x 30 OYO
  • WWII x 20 OYO
  • Squat x 15 IC
  • Upright Row x 10 IC

May have had some other exercises in there, but if so YHC has forgotten them.

Replace blocks.  Mosey back to cars.  Circle up for Mary, which YHC passed around:

  • Mason Twist (YHC)
  • Low Flutter (Matlock)
  • LBC (Peart Plus)
  • V-Up (Roadie)
  • Suzanne Somers (each leg) (YHC)
  • Freddy Mercury (Matlock)
  • Glute Bridge (Peart Plus)


  • Thanks to the pax for joining YHC this am – appreciate it guys.  Haven’t Q’d a ton in 2024, and the creative juices aren’t really flowing, but hope you got what you wanted today.
  • Thanks to Estwing (who was absent – “traveling,” or maybe just skipping leg day?) for reaching out to YHC and asking for a Q / letting me lead the pax today.
  • We spoke at length about different liquid cocktails one can bathe nasty workout clothes in.  Roadie may have the solve there.
  • We lifted up Peart Plus’ co-worker and her family.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016 – I’m forever grateful.
