I love the smell of Astro Turf in the morning

Event Date

Jan 19, 2019


We were a mighty group of 4 until about 6:59 when Waffle pulled into the parking lot.  Even though he made an odd number, and I was planning on some partner work – it was great to see him – even numbers  be damned.


We did a little mosey to the launch area and did the usual suspects – SSH, Windmills, IST, Mountain Climbers, Toy Soldiers….and then we moseyed to the lower soccer field.

The Thang

We transitioned from our warm up to the workout with a lunge walk across the wdith of the field.  Bear crawl half of the way back, and then jog the rest of the way.  REPEATO.

Meet in the goal mouth – and partner up.  Although it went unspoken, we all knew that Bagboy and Sauce would pair up – it was just a question as to whether anyone would be bold enough to be their 3rd wheel.  No one was so bold – so team 2 was YHC, Jersey and Waffle.

Run the opposite direction of your partner(s) around half the field.  When you met up with them – drop and do 10 partner mericans.  Get up and continue in the direction you were going.  Meet up with your partner and do 10 more partner mericans.  We did this until there were 4 meet-ups.

Mosey to the upper field.

Same drill – meet-up exercise – Carolina Dry Docks.  Repeat until you meet your partner three times.  Mosey to the rocks.

Curl (12), Shoulder Press (12), Squats (12) – line up on the sideline.  Sprint across the field, joggy jog back.

Repeat rock exercises – 2 sprints/Joggy Jog

Repeat rock exercises – 3 sprints/Joggy Jog

Skull Crusher (12), Repeato, Repeato – put the rocks back.

Line up on the sideline – backwards run across the field.  Waffle gave Jersey a lesson in how to run backwards.

Head to the lower field – backwards run to the goal.  

Partner opposite run – meet up exercise: Low Flutters.  Meet up twice.

Head to the stairs for a ladder to 11 – mericans at the bottom, jump squats at the top.

Back to the field for the final partner meet-up run.  This was a "race".  One meet-up.  Whichever partner ran the farthest before meeting did 10 burpees, the loser did 15.

Circle up for MARY

– LBC, Windshield Wipers, Pillow Talk, Hello Dolly, Elbow Plank

(I can not remeber what Waffle called for Mary in between LBC and Windshield Wipers.  I'm pretty sure that's because it sucked and I've blocked it from my memory.  True Story.)

5-Pack Moleskine:

– YHC promised a walk in the park – we logged 3+ miles so we did a little moseying as well

– Great group – Great 2nd F – and we got after it as well

– All 5 went to Water Bean for Q-Source after the workout.

– Jersey stopped mid-Rock o rama to EH a guy that looked like he was doing a similar workout to us – minus the rocks and minus a handsome Q – thy had already exchanged e-mails before the end of Q-source.

– Jersey Boy is doing a good job of keeping this AO going.  Help him out by Q'ing and by posting.  It's a lot of fun with a ton of options: The track, the soccser fields, rocks, hills, basketball court, the disc golf course – so many ways to get creative with your Q.

– I'm blessed to have F3 in my life.  I was on top of the world pulling out of the Water Bean parking lot.  It was 9:00 on a Saturday and I had already experienced all three F's many times over.  It's really a gift.

