One must ask themselves, do I care about my brother's fitness.  YHC asked himself or me self, my self, I asked myself this very question on this 2nd day of March and the answer was…..yes.  So I arose for the friendly confines of my comfy bed to join a Pax of 28 full of vigor, and a whole lotta chatter.  This is their story:

0430: 5 men are rip roaring and ready for some rucking!

0432: YHC shows up ready to go

0435: Etch finally makes it

we ruck and talk and bond.

0500: Smokey & Auto meet #thestandard running style

0530: Its game time

Warm up lap around the school

plank it out waiting on the 6

SSH x 25

IST x 15

Soybean Farmers x 10


mosey to macauley entrance, 30 yards of bear crawl to quiet the chatter

run to the bottom of the beach

Here's the thang:

Run to Corner 1: Jump Squats x 10

Walking lunge to Corner 2: Monkey Humpers x 10

Sprint to Corner 3: Jump squats x 10

Run to corner 4, plank and go back and pick up the 6.

Repeato except replace walking lunges with The Broad Jump Burpee.  If it takes you more than 1 Broad Jump Burpee, then do another single count Broad Jump Burpee until you reach corner 2 and proceed with the humping of monkeys and other nonsense.

Upon completion, partner wheel barrow up the hill and plank when you get there.


Mosey to the top circle in Macauley.  Cack a lacka choo choo, go!

Mosey down to the big hill:

Sprint Up

Monkey Humper x 10

Crawl Bear Down



Mosey to the bottom circle:

Partner Presses x 10

Mosey back to the Mighty Oak

Low flutter until the 6 is back.


Mary by committee:

Amoeba – Freddy Mercury x 16

Olaf – LBC x 16


COT: Courtesy of Snake Eyes


The wind whipped Moleskin:


– Sweet C has updated the 2nd F events on this website, check it out!

– Quarter Ruck IV launches from Richard Barry Park this Friday night at 7:00pm.  If you want to participate, contact FreePass or Calypso, if you want to observe, show up and enjoy watching your brothers become better Americans.

– During the standard ruck, it was observed that Kumquat cares not about who walks on the streets but more about playing candy crush on his phone.  #arrivealive

– Outlaw strongly suggested our ruck up Travolta hill would be the only trip "up" that hill we made today.  I of course obliged.

– Jimmy O waits for no man.  If you are late, he will teach you a lesson.  Unless you are Etch and he likes you.

– Calypso's brakes are louder than his engine.

– We had to wake up his dog this AM, which inturn may have woken him up.  Either way, he posted, well done rucktards

– Alot of chatter about Half LIfe breaking out at The Mighty Oak today.  Im sorry, but did you see a bunch of soccer armned, tights with no shorts wearing, wish they could participate in a team event but are too caught up in their vO2 max intake blah blah blah, poopy faces running in circles?  I didn't think so, and you are welcome.

– Outlaw,  regarding the audible to Broad Jump Burpee, I had you in my sights, I had the shot, There was no danger (until the gut punch in COT), so I took it.  I hope I made you proud, not by the action but just because.

– To Calypso, Black Eyed Pea, Travolta, Amoeba, Toxic, Snake Eyes and other Wildnerness OGs, hope you enjoyed the return to "The Beach' today.  Not sure why it is called that, but it is how I remember it.

– Ultraman, are you sponsored by some LED company?

– T-claps to Madden 24 for bringing his dad out.  I know he doesn't like posting when I Q but the strong work of his son got the job done.

Thank you men for the strong work and fun times this AM.  Ditka, whereever you may be, I appreaciate you giving me the keys to TMO today and I hope you don't mind I didn't use any part of the AO.  As always, thanks to Black Eyed Pea (who actually came) for the EH a while back, F3 has changed so much about me and I am thankful for it each day.  I challenge you all to share this gift, somebody is praying for it right now!
