I Need a Bigger Hammer

Event Date

Feb 14, 2019

Rooter and YHC ran the standard at a very nice 2nd F pace.

We were a little late starting as we were in heavy conversation waiting for Qbert… no Qbert.


  • Slow Mosey around parking lot
    • High Knees
    • Butt Kickers
    • Carioka
  • SSH 20 IC
  • CP 10 IC
  • WM 10 IC
  • Stretching

Set One

  • KB Work
    • Curl 14 IC
    • Skull Crusher 14 IC
    • Thruster 14 IC
    • Lawn Mower 7 IC R/L
    • Chest Press w/Low Flutter 14 IC

Set Two

  • Bulgarian Split Squat x 7 R/L IC
  • Decline Merkin x 14 IC
  • Box Jump Berpee x 10

Set Three

  • Pull-up 10 OYO
  • Sledgehammer Hits on Tire AMRAP (8# sledgehammer was way too light)
  • Block Slides about 120ft and back
  • Repeato

Set Four

  • Repeat First KB Set

Recover Recover

Great work by all!
