I Need to Shake Your Hand!

Event Date

Sep 05, 2020


Sorry for the delay – yesterday was just too nice to sit at a computer. 

Six of us showed to enjoy the breeze, cool air, and hard work. Thuess brought his 2.0, Groot, to join us and he crushed it.



15 IC Windmills (no Dandelion to complain about the speed)

15 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Merkins

Walking lunges to the top of the lot with a mosey back

Toy Soldiers to the top of the lot with a mosey back

Bear Crawl up and Crawl Bear back 

The Task – before we could start we had to get Bertha (92# sandball) from the AO lot to the back playground by throwing it. Average toss was about 5'…it took a little while. Hats off to Groot for tossing the 20# slam ball back pretty much by himself!!

The Workout

Meat grinder style – timer is a trail runner. 

Landmine press using the big pole

Towel Hang – throw a towel over the monkey bars and try to hang as long as you can. Here Shirley noted that the reason we all did poorly on this one is that we are no longer shaking hands! I'm not sure that is a fair excuse, but it IS an excuse. Salty needed the work for his fireman training, so this one certainly points out an often overlooked part of training. If you have a towel you can do this just about anywhere.

Tricep extensions with the bands

Goblet 1.5s – using a block held in front of you, squat down, come halfway back up then squat all the way back down and then all the way up (that's 1 rep)

Bent over rows – choice of a block or the cool 60# token thing with the handles on it.

Short break and then repeato

The Finale

We played 2 rounds of Block Cover – Teams of 2, put 6 blocks in the mulch with their color dots turned down (2 Pink, 2 Yellow, 2 Blue). Each teams scrambles around in a bear crawl flipping the other 2 teams' blocks. Winner is the team with the most blocks flipped DOWN. we did a couple 2 minute rounds, carried Bertha back up front and that was 1 hour on the dot.


A friend recently mentioned that they were a little jealous that some people had made out better due to COVID by taking the unemployment and other benefits. It reminded me of a talk I heard about the parable of the Laborer's in the Vineyard (https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2012/04/the-laborers-in-the-vineyard?id=title1&lang=eng#title1 ):

I wish to speak of the Savior’s parable in which a householder “went out early in the morning to hire labourers.” After employing the first group at 6:00 in the morning, he returned at 9:00 a.m., at 12:00 noon, and at 3:00 in the afternoon, hiring more workers as the urgency of the harvest increased. The scripture says he came back a final time, “about the eleventh hour” (approximately 5:00 p.m.), and hired a concluding number. Then just an hour later, all the workers gathered to receive their day’s wage. Surprisingly, all received the same wage in spite of the different hours of labor. Immediately, those hired first were angry, saying, “These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.” When reading this parable, perhaps you, as well as those workers, have felt there was an injustice being done here. Let me speak briefly to that concern.

   First of all it is important to note that no one has been treated unfairly here. The first workers agreed to the full wage of the day, and they received it. Furthermore, they were, I can only imagine, very grateful to get the work. In the time of the Savior, an average man and his family could not do much more than live on what they made that day. If you didn’t work or farm or fish or sell, you likely didn’t eat. With more prospective workers than jobs, these first men chosen were the most fortunate in the entire labor pool that morning.
This parable is really about the Savior's grace in saving us all. But it also highlights how envy and jealousy are really damaging. Many of us have been fortunate enough to hold our jobs through these difficult times and we are truly blessed to do so. Many have suffered the uncertainty of unemployment. I know how scary that can be and how much stress comes with it. I would much rather work than deal with that stress. 
May we all be kind and grateful and remeber the Savior's sacrifice for each of us. 
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!