I Never Tire of a Good Block Party

It all started when I ran into Olive on Saturday evening at St Mark’s Septemberfest. He mentioned that he had signed up to Q at Gladiator without realizing it was the morning after a Steelers game. I suppose it was the Holy Spirit that moved me to say, “No problem, I’ll take the Q this week.” Huh?

Eight men defied the lure of the fartsack to post this morning. YHC almost slept in after the initial alarm despite retiring at half time. Amen watched the entire MNF game and still posted. The MQ was nowhere to be found so there was no pressure to include blastoff burpees. In fact, I didn’t really have an idea for a workout today. All I knew was that I had to honor my preblast pledge of avoiding the Murph exercises and that I wanted to give the new found tire some love. At 0530 sharp we put that plan into action.

We started with a slowsey around the parking lot which included some high knees, butt-kickers, and shuffling. We wrapped up by the pull-up bars where we got to work with SSH, Windmill, IST, Cotton Pickers, and Mountain Climbers. We spent some time stretching with Downward Dog, Pigeon and Upward Dog. Sufficiently warm and limber, we moved on to the main event.

We retrieved one block for seven of the men while the 8th grabbed the tire. We formed up Indian style for some AMRAP arm work while the lead guy was the counter with tire flips. Five flips then take the block from the next guy up and move to back of line. While flipping, the rest of the pax did the following:

  • AMRAP curls
  • Zamperini with air press each time tire flips
  • Lawn Mowers 3x one side, move forward, 3x opposite arm, repeato

We put the coupons to the side and moseyed down to the school. We started out in People’s Chair and held it while we did Wonderbras. We kept holding it while Touching Dem Heels. And then we recovered. Next up was the Praying Mantis followed by one of Twister’s yet-to-be-named wall exercises. It’s similar to a Makhtar N’Diaye — start in FLR with head at wall. Place right hand on wall and follow with left so hands are now pressing against wall. Right hand comes back down followed by left to return to plank. One.

With wall work done, we added some Rocky Balboas at a varying pace before moseying back to the toys. We flipped the tire again, this time doing Upright Rows for each flip of the tire. Back at the mulch pile (more about that in a second), we returned the blocks and had just enough time for Jane Fondas. With time exhausted, we conted off and offered up a quick but efficient prayer. Recover, recover.


If you “enjoy” Gladiator and/or Mighty Jungle, you have an opportunity to give back to this grat AO. This Saturday morning F3 will be volunteering to do move some mulch around the campus. If you’ve been by the pull up bars in the past couple weeks, you’ve seen the enormous pile. That needs to be distributed and we are just the male, community leaders to do it. Read more here and show up on Saturday morning to get ‘er done. You can post at 0700 for a Titan-led workout or at 0800 for the mulching fun only.


  • Took me a second to recall Razor’s name this morning. It was the beard that made it click for me. Sort of like me having the nickname Blackbeard when it’s often missing and never black.
  • Grape Ape offered a public confession pre-workout for being a #kotter but jumped right back into the mix of things once we got under way. Glad to have you back and look forward to seeing you at the next workout.
  • Bouncey House says this was his first boot camp since beginning training for BRR. So happy to have the runners mingling with the ‘campers again.
  • Speaking of Bouncey, YHC accepted a self-imposed burpee penalty for mixing him up with Atlas early in the workout. I guess he was offended I confused him with a non-runner. #cobains
  • TClaps to Atlas for the self discipline to cut out the drinking at night. As someone who struggles with night time eating, I can appreciate the willpower this requires. I hope you are able to stick with it.
  • Tractor gave his affirmation of some of the newer wall exercises. Now I know how my dog feels after I give him a “good boy” — it warms the cockles (whatever they are) to get positive feedback as Q.
  • Sweet Caroline claims the workout was similar to another one and proved it while we were going pigeon on the left leg. I asked the know-it-all what would be next and he said, “pigeon on the right leg, or course.” This guy’s a prophet I tell you!
  • Amen has the Q at Grand Oak tomorrow while I have the Q at Hollywood. When we asked Atlas where he planned to post, he quickly said “Stretch.” #goodanswer

Thanks to Olive for offering me the Q, to Travolta for not posting (and taking away the pressure to do any blasting off) and to the seven other men who decided to give YHC a chance by posting at Gladiator this morning. The comraderie is what sets this group apart from other options for fitness. Hopefully everyone got something out of their attendance today. Even if it was just knowing that Jane Fondas make YHC look better in high heels. #show2know