“I only do that in the grass”

Event Date

Nov 18, 2023

6 Pax were present and accounted for at The Estate. Here’s what went down:


Get blocks and Zamperini to the school bus lot

Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x25 (50 IC)

-IST x20 (40 IC)

-Toy Soldiers x20 (40 IC)

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Lil’ Professor/Dwight Schrute/long snapper/carrot puller/slippery dip can/soap locator x10

The Thang:

-Chest press x10 (20 IC)

-Curl x15 (30 IC)

-Skull crusher x10 (20 IC)

-Toss the baby x10 (20 IC)

-Block ‘Mericans x10 (20 IC)

-Glute bridge w/block x5 plank/holds and thrusters x20 (40 IC)

Mosey to the end of the parking lot and back

-B2W (3 count down the line)


-WWII x10 (20 IC)

-Lbc x10 (20 IC)

-Overhead press x10 (20 IC)

-Jack Webb (‘Merican to knees and the shoulder press) x10 (20 IC)

-Mason twist x10 (20 IC)

-Low flutter w/block x15 (30 IC)

Mosey to the end of the parking lot and back

-B2W (3 count down the line)


-8 count Burner x10

-Box cutter x10 (20 IC)

-Block boxing lbc x15

-Lawnmower x10 each side (40 IC)

-One arm block ‘Mericans x5 each side (20 IC)

-Calf raise x15 (30 IC)

Mosey to the end of the parking lot and back

-B2W (3 count down the line)


-Lbc x10 (20 IC)

-Low flutter w/block x10 (20 IC)

Shoulder touch ‘Mericans x10 (20 IC)

Blurpees x10 OYO

Dying cockroach x10 (20 IC)

Block swing x15 (30 IC)

Mosey to the end of the parking lot and back

-B2W (3 count down the line)


Around the world x10 OYO

Bent-over row x10 each side (40 IC)

One arm ‘Mericans x5 each side (20 IC)

Behind the back block lifts x10 (20 IC)

Hand release ‘Mericans x10 (20 IC)

Deadlift x15 (30 IC)

Mosey to the end of the parking lot and back

-B2W (3 count down the line)


Zamperini blocks back to base

Recover, Recover


Mumble-chatter was abound in the gloom. At times we heard, “It doesn’t even feel like I’m doing it right.”; or “I don’t even feel it.”; or, “I only do that in the grass.”  We learned about body lawn mowers, that the Pax can’t count to 3, and that YHC couldn’t remember his exercises or what just occurred 2 minutes prior. Camelback wasn’t sure if today counted as a gentlemen’s workout or not. Toxic hurt our knees (show to know). Snake Eyes got in his shoulder touch ‘Mericans. Boar Hog’s dog helped us keep cadence. Elmers worked off the pizza he had last night while still making room for bagels at Coffeeteria. Regardless, we all got it done today and are better for it.

Prayer Requests:

-Remember Sean who is homeless some Pax are taking donations for him. His biggest need is for showers and transportation. Greyhound is working with Sean, so please see him if you feel led to give.


-Pax who are caregiving for aging parents and health issues among them.

-Unspokens in all F3 circles.


-There will be a Black Friday convergence at north Meck park led by Firestone.

-Flo-Kiwanis Club of LKN is looking for volunteers for the Kiwanis Thanksgiving Dinner Project on 11/20 to help feed over 400 families a Thanksgiving dinner! Look for Flo’s blasts on X. Packing will be at the Publix on Gilead Rd beginning at 8am.

-Begin thinking about donating to Operation Sweet Tooth’s Christmas present/toy drive when shopping.

-Christmas party on 12/1 at 7:30pm at 760 Craftworks in downtown Huntersville.

-There are plenty of Q slots at all AO’s. Please sign up. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s.

-Invite a FNG or brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers). If none of those work for you, just show up. No one will be left behind, but it all starts with the discipline to take one.

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, TOB-the-wet-sprocket, etc.)