I really need to go to Q School. A Memoir.

Event Date

Jun 20, 2019

STP, Rogue for 11 strong at my last Q ever. 

Warm Up

Started poorly with 15 SSH IC, 15 IST IC, 15 MC IC and stayed down for a calf stretch. Then things really fell off the rails, 10 Hand Release Merkins OYO, is what my brain said but my mouth said 5. So 5 Hand Release Merkins OYO for the pax and 8 before I realized I was dumb. 10 WW2 Sit Ups. Then rounded it out with stretching and some pigeon to make sure I never made it back on the Q schedule. 

The Thing

Moseyed to DUMC and grabbed pavers, then walked them over to the school with 10 Curls, Over Head Presses, and Skull Crushers on the way. At the school I showed my lack of creativity by just biting a section of Tater’s Saturday workout and making it worse. Pax found a spot on the wall for wall sits while three pax at a time completed a pull-up circuit. 1st set 1 pull-up 1 jump squat, move one bar to the right 2 pull-ups 2 jump squats, move one bar to the right increase quantity 1 at each bar. Confusing, I know. While the group waited for each 3 man group to complete their sets we filled our time with wall sit and plank variations as well as merry.  After two pull-up circuits , the 2nd circuit replaced the jump squats with Marry Catherines, I realized we were well away from my goal of 5 completed circuits, and I hadn’t really used the pavers we brought, and I only had 3 quarters of my time was gone. Cloaked in disappointment we picked up the pavers and did 10 curls, skull crushers, over head presses and weighted squats IC.  Heading back to DUMC to put up the pavers we did 10 curls, over head presses, skull crushers and alternating lunges IC. Then moseyed back to the green to put this workout out of its misery. 

