I s*** on my shoes

Event Date

Mar 22, 2022


0450 YHC wakes up realizing I PB a standard for 0500…. rushing to get dressed and out the door to get there as quickly as I could set me up for trouble later….keep reading to find out.


0507 YHC rolls into the parking lot of RBP and to my surprise I saw 3 cars already there. Assuming everyone had started without me (rightfully) I was slowly getting out of my car to do a solo warm up. Turns out 2 of those cars were people who were doing their own thing on the track and the third belonged to Gambini (I guess I can't confirm it belongs to him I'm just assuming he didn't steal it.) We mosey for an out and back 2 mile standard. On the way back YHC had a case of Code Brown that came out of nowhere. No time to really even tell Gambini I jump into the woods at probably the worst time considering it was just thorn bushes as far as the eye could see. Alas all was settled and I have the scars (on my legs only) to prove it.


0530 Jenny has arrived and we start our warm up. A quick lap around the parking lot then we circle up for some warm up. Memo rolls in just after and hops right in with us. After some of the usuals (SSH, IST, etc.) we grab a block and get started.


The Thang

  • 10 Pull Ups on the playground. Tantrum rolls in at this point, grabs a block and "does his 10 pull ups"
    • Block Squats
    • Curls
    • Mason Twists
      • Round 1: x 10 IC run small lap
      • Round 2: x 12 IC run medium lap
      • Round 3: x 15 IC run large lap
  • 10 Pull Ups
    • Blockees
    • Skull crushers
    • Leg raises
      • Round 1: x 10 IC run small lap
      • Round 2: x 12 IC run medium lap
      • Round 3: x 15 IC run large lap
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • March Challenge 50 Mericans
    • 10 Incline on the block Mericans
    • 10 Decline on the block Mericans
    • 10 Diamond Mericans on top of block
    • 10 (Need a name for these) Mericans
      • One hand on block, other on ground 5 each side
    • 10 Regular Mericans
  • Put blocks up
  • Jack knife LBCs x 10 IC each leg
  • Mona Lisa…. I mean J-Lo x 20 IC
    • I heard the PAX mention Mona Lisa ealier in the workout and I guess that stuck in my head.

Recover Recover

Name a rama



  • So about that BB title. Tantrum said he liked my shoes and I went on to mention how I almost ruined them this morning with my emergency code brown
    • Let me be very clear, that didn't actually happen it was just, lets say…. a close call
  • Nevertheless the PAX made sure me taking s*** on my shoes was brought up throughout the workout
  • Blockees… the great equalizer
  • Jenny and Tantrum were telling tales about a relay race this weekend and planning out their strategies? I honestly can't remember I just remember hearing a bunch of PAX names regarding teams and the race… any hoot, good luck!
  • Nice to meet you Memo, look forward to seeing you out there again!
  • Gambini is ready for the next Samson Suicides after all those blockees today

Until next time……. Mr. H