I Saw You (and him, and HIM) Walking in the Rain…….

Event Date

Dec 23, 2019

FNG-1 is The Bends, not yet on this WS, but he will be shortly!!

Sitting down here, warmly ensconsed in the afterglow of the Eagles victory over NFC East rival Dallas last night, it's EASY to endure the rain, the wind, and the gloom as three stalwart men punched out of the Fartsack this morning, much like the Eagles DB's punched down the balls from the deft Dak last night, to join YHC in what would become just another chapter in the legendary AO known as the Monster Mile.  Now, with Master Q Chicken Little fixin' to graduate from Boot Camp in less than a fortnight, and F3RCUSA turning to Deepend and YHC to share the reigns of this fine AO until 2020 hotshot Master Q Geppetto grabs the helm in two (2) weeks, it was decided that today's workout would be short, intense, unremarkable, but most importantly…..DRY!  As the rains coming down mimicked those in the early scenes of Platoon, that ionic film highlighing the grit and valor our our servicemen over in 'Nam.  Here's how the workout unfolded, if you HAD chosen the Fartsack, or a 'breakfast drop', as one of our brethren did this AM.

Warmups: Mozy to under the BACK church portico, IC- SSH 20, IST 15, CP'S 10 CDD'S 5 R/L SCORPIONS 5 EACH, SDS 15, CALF RAISES OFF CURB, 20 EACH LEG.  Mozy to FRONT of church portico, 10 Merkins and 10 Peter Parkers, each in cadence. Mozy to COVERED picnic area.

Stations of the Cross- Four (4) stations of ROPE WHIPS, Incline Merkins, 25 lb. Pullovers, and KB swings were repped AMRAP with the Rope Whipper counting to 30, 35, 40, 35, 30 while others repped.  Each circut was interrupted by some relaxation of 10 Dips IC and 10 Step-ups or Box Jumps.  Therefore, 5 rounds of the Stations and four rounds of the Dips/Jumps were completed, tastefully, then sealed away in what would be know as The Thang to those of us in F3RCUSA. Mozy to the BACK church portico for…

Mary: IC W's 15, Bridged Heel Slappers 15, Box Cutters/Cutter Boxes 10 each, L/R Asymmetrical Crunches 10 each. Recover, recover.


-Each time one is called to lead, a new 'opportunity' arises to help others to achieve that day's goal of getting it done before the day actually materializes.  What a GREAT WAY to begin a rainy, windy, gloomy Monday!!

-Deepend was astoundingly quiet today….deep down, YHC believes he enjoyed this one.

-Shambala is a rock, always there, always solid, always shouldering the workload without ever so much as a nip of anguish for the pain or the process….impressive.

-The Bends–this was, if not the first, one of the first time's YHC has worked out with this former serviceman and rock solid bootcamper.  He came, saw, endured, and conquered.  Little known fact, he's a solid rope whipper!

-The Murph will finish out the year led by Deepend next week, then it'll be off to 2020 with Geppetto at the helm.

-Can anyone name the SINGER of the song from which the lyrics in the 'Title' come?

-Gents, y'all are 'Freed to Lead', it even says so in the book.  Take advantage of that opportunity provided to you, free of charge, years ago, by Big Mean, Chief, and Crack.

-Merry Christmas to all!!!