I See a Nap in My Future After the Mighty Oak

Not listed on the site: Uncle Si

20 men got stronger today for a full body beat down at The Mighty Oak, here is their story…

YHC and Frogger posted ~3 miles for The Standard


Short mosey with some butt kickers and high knees


15 X Windmill IC

15 X Carrot Pullers IC

Plank with Leg Stretches

15 X Mericans IC

The Thing

Line up for Modified Suicides:

Crab Walk to first Basketball Hoop, run back

Bear Crawl to Second Basketball Hoop, run back

Bunny Hop to Third Basketball Hoop, run back

Sprint to Fourth Basketball Hoop, 20 X Hand Release Mericans, run back

Grab a Paver and Circle Up:

10 X Blockies OYO

15 X Curls IC

15 X Skull Crushers IC

15 X Squat with Paver IC

Lap around track (jog straightaways and sprint the turns)

10 X Incline Mericans using Paver IC

10 X Chest Press with Low Flutter IC

10 X Bent Over Row IC

10 X Squat Press with Paver IC

Lap around track (jog straightaways and sprint the turns)

10 X Upright Row IC

10 X Lawn Mower Right Arm IC

10 X Lawn Mower Left Arm IC

20 X CDD Single Count OYO

10 X Mericans IC

Lap around track (jog straightaways and sprint the turns)

Return Pavers and Up to the Front

15 X Dip IC

10 X Step Ups (Each Leg) OYO

10 X Decline Mericans IC


(In between, partnered up for 20 sit ups. Partner A held down feet in plank position while Partner B did sit ups.  Flap jack.)



20 X Touch Them Heels IC

Air Borne Mind Bender

20 X Heels to Heaven IC

10 X Rosalitas IC

Elbow Plank Until Time Expires

Recover, Recover


– Thank you to Swing State for letting me take the Q at this great AO!  Great group of men and fantastic work put in by all.

– Special thanks for Frogger for coming out to The Standard…I definitely would not have pushed as hard if going solo.

– In hindsight, should have made the fourth suicide a Duck Walk to complete the animal theme but felt we needed to do something a little more manly after the “Bunny Hop”.  Full disclosure: plan was to Repeato but I was feeling The Standard and still had a long way to go!

– Minimal mumble chatter…although I did get a few comments when I told everyone to “stay on their knees” between a set.

– Pearl Jam radio on Amazon Prime provided the tunes today for all you fans of the 90’s.

– Many events coming up (Shag Night, Happy Hour, Basin Run).  Please check the Announcement area for details!

– Prayers for Las Vegas, hurricane victims, and to Big Wheel in Houston (F3 brother who lost his life due to a heart attack).

