I think we should stop now #twss

Event Date

Jan 23, 2024


9 pax answered they call.  They met at the center of I want it, I need it, I can do it.  It was called Viking.  How they handled the matter remains to be seen.  Read on and decide for yourself.


  • Like prom night the kickoff to warmorama was much anticipated.  And as with prom night the satisfaction was delayed.
  • 0532:  AMPM, Ramrod and Jedi arrive and we are ready to roll.
  • Pax properly disclaimed.  Though most of them knew it was unspoken and implied because they were about to follow someone named Stray for a bit.
  • Mosey to the parking lot for regular fair
    • SSH x 15ic   *
    • IST x 10ic  *
    • Windmill x 10ic  *
    • Arm circles forward and backward for a period of time determined by the Q

The thang

  • It didn’t take long before we strayed the course.  First planned stop was the concession stand for some wall action but construction zone fencing meant an audible.  Therefore mosey to picnic and playground
  • Dips x 20 ic  *
  • Incline merkin x 15ic  *
  • Stairway to heaven (or purgatory) x 20 each leg  *
  • Repeato the set   *
  • Mosey to rock pile.  Follow Bagboy’s lead and grab one that makes your great gramma proud
  • Curl x 10 ic   *
  • Overhead press x 10 ic  *
  • Skullcrusher x10 ic  *
  • Mosey down the parking lot
  • LBC x 15 ic   *
  • Low flutter x 20 ic  *
  • Bagboy led us in a mobility moment with dynamic stretches of down dog, up dog, other leg stuff and pigeon
  • Mosey to maintenance shed because YHC was gonna get his wall stuff d’angit.
  • People’s chair 45 seconds  *
  • Add in touch them heels x 10 ic  *
  • Christian McCalfraises x 10 ic each leg   *
  • Mosey back to our rocks
  • Low curl x 10 ic   *
  • High curl x 10 ic   *
  • Overhead press x 10 ic  *
  • Skullcrusher x 10 ic  *
  • Mosey back to launch point at your own pace   *


  • Suzanne Summers x 20 ic each leg   *  (Blackbeard)
  • Touch them heels x 10 ic   *  (9 Lives)
  • W x 10 ic   * (Jedi)
  • Airborne mind bender (Ramrod)

COT happened

Viking purgatory moleskin

  • As the pax assembled and we waited for 0530, we heard a burglar alarm going off.  As we wrapped up COT we could still hear it.  As we finally pulled out of the parking lot (some 55 minutes after the alarm started going off) we finally saw Huntersville’s finest blazing down the road to the rescue.  Wonder if there will be a “my bad, what had happened was” tweet coming from them later today???
  • When the first wall action was thwarted due to the construction zone, 9 Lives had the brilliant suggestion for 9 men to do balls-to-the-wall around a port-o-john.  YHC has done some things in F3 that he dares not share with the M.  But that was not going to be one of them.
  • Didn’t know what the step up things were called.  Stairway To Heaven (9 Lives always knows).  But the partial refusniks asked what about just one leg.  Is that the Stairway to Purgatory?  
  • Just as things were going well with the mid-beatdown Mary session, some pax blurts out “I think we should stop.”  It was one of those times when all the world goes silent and that was all you could here.  I believe it was 9 Lives who first seized the moment with an ever appropriate and well timed “that’s what she said”.  
  • It’s been a while since YHC has posted with Bagboy.  I didn’t realize he had “Bagboy” as his license plate which led to an appropriate ribbing from Blackbeard when I asked who that was that rolled up right at 0530.
  • Thank you Chilly Willy for the opportunity to Q this morning.  So many Tuesday choices but every time I get to Viking I am reminded that it is truly the AO with everything to offer.
  • What I learned today. 
    • Thanks to all the pax that came out.  Only one of you did it because you really wanted to but you did it nonetheless.  Jedi, Ramrod and 9 Lives did it because of a shield-lock guilt text.  Chilly Willy because of MQ things.  Blackbeard because he knew I couldn’t do any running.  AMPM and Ichabod because of some passive-aggressive social media bullying.  But Bagboy said “I hadn’t been to a Stray Q in a while and wanted to see him.”  This year I have been cognizant that I, like many others, get into my routine and it creates a bubble.  Mr Holland has a challenge out there to Q all non-running AO’s this year and I am trying to accomplish that too.  In order to do that we need to post sometimes where our heart leads us and not always the convenient location or what the plan says.  So thank you Bagboy for wanting to see me.  And I hope I lived up to it.  But also thank you for the reminder to sometimes pick the pax you need to see and go there instead of just picking the routine AO.  So be a Bagboy…..if you can.  He sets a high bar.  But if you try to be a Bagboy and fall short you are still one hell of a person.

* (or whatever variation our differently abled bodies could handle)