I wanna get to 100 (for real this time)

Event Date

Feb 18, 2021


Pinky and Slow put a beating on a Thursday at Cobalt. Was raining hard at the start so we started in the gazebo.

Warm-up: 10 X merkins OYO, 10 X Windmills IC, 10 X merkins OYO, 10 X Cherry pickers IC, 10 X merkins OYO

Thang: Individual Medley set from the F3 Nation site:

Swimming has the individual medley (IM), swim all 4 strokes in one event. The F3 IM is 4 favorite F3 exercises done for a specific number of reps on a time interval. Exercises are Burpees, Merkins, Flutterkick, SSH. Start with 5 reps of each exercise. 5 Burpees, 5 Merkins, 5 2 count flutter kicks, 5 SSH, start a new set every 1:30, add a rep until you get to 10 of each. If you're fast you get loads of rest. If it takes you 89 seconds to complete the set you have 1 second to recover. When you miss a set, sit that one out and jump in the next number. If the group has beast and beastest pax the beastest guys can start at 8 and go up while the regular beasts of F3 start at 5. Variations, reduce time or go for the highest number you can hold for 10 sets. Swimmers will get this right away…

We swapped SSH for squats. Started with 5 reps of each on 1:30 interval and went to 10 reps each. Held sets of 10 each for 10 sets. This started to really hurt toward the end. Proper form was used for all exercises, including the squats.

Rain stopped so we left the cover of the gazebo and ran 2 miles at a "Mojito conversational pace". 

We got our 100+ burpees today (135 to be exact) as we fell short last week at Cobalt. Had to redeem myself from the shortfall.

Lots of good conversation along the way. Thanks for coming out Pinky. Fantastic start to the day.