I Was Promised Brackets as part of Cobalt Bracketology

Event Date

Feb 25, 2016


Seven of Mountain Island’s finest made it out in the Gloom this morning to participate in the Cobalt Bracket-ology challenge. The F3 shovel American flag also made its first appearance at Cobalt

Disclaimer: We may not have exactly done all of these, and Q could not really see his list of exercises in the Gloom so made some of this up on the fly.  In addition, since Q demonstrated some counting issues I’m not exactly certain of how many reps for each of these we ended up doing  


  • High knees, Butt kicks, Karaoke x 2

  • Side straddle hop I/C

  • Toy soldier I/C

  • Windmill I/C (aka Back and Forth)

The Thang

Come get yo bricks. We featured both bricks and paver options for the Pax.  Fun Fact: Apparently peeing whilst sitting down in the early morning hours is an effective strategy to minimize the drip-sees and also deal with morning wood. No gloves for Arizona or Hambone as they elected the Jerry Rice workout option.

First set

  • 10 'Mericans with bricks I/C (bericans)

  • 15 Squats with bricks I/C – with a shoulder press on count (thanks to Hambone for working out the cadence on this one)

  • Lunges with bricks – 20 yards back and forth in parking lot

Run from parking lot up to end of the drive with bricks held overhead. Do 10 brick burpees single count at end of drive, and run back to parking lot with bricks held overhead

Second set

  • 45 Curls with bricks I/C – (15 low, 15 med to high, and 15 full) aka, the GunShow

  • 20 Skull crushers with bricks I/C – Q needs to again consult Hambone on proper hand/brick technique, due to his stature as a man who “often moves weighted inanimate objects”

  • 20 Apollo Anton Ono’s – Q needs some rhythm

Run up to end of drive with bricks held in curl position. Do 15 mason twists I/C and run back to parking lot

Pax realization that this workout actually has nothing to do with brackets

Third set – shoulders

  • 20 Overhead Shoulder Presses I/C

  • 20 Brick Side extensions single count

  • 20 Brick upright row I/C

  • 20 Shoulder front raises I/C

  • 20 Bent Over (Bendover..) reverse shoulder flies – for the last shoulder exercise

Run up to end of drive with bricks held out to side. Do 10 Carolina Dry Dock I/C with bricks (apparently it was not the last shoulder exercise) and run back to parking lot

Unsolicited pickup line by Oktoberfest to some of the spandex ladies en route – “Wanna hold my bricks?”

Nonverbalized Pax mumblechatter – “What the F** is with this Q and his bricks?”

Fourth set – Chest

  • 15 WWI sit ups with bricks with a chest fly on the down part

  • 15 chest overhead extensions whilst on your back

  • 10 incline bericans I/C with bricks on curb

  • 10 Dips with bricks on curb I/C

  • 20 tri extensions/kick backs with bricks – Q not exactly clear that we were using both arms here

Run up to end of drive with bricks held in skull crusher pose. Do 10 single count diamond bericans with bricks and run back to parking lot


Sampler platter of exercises across all the Pax, with bricks being optional by encouraged. Octoberfest skipped initially to set us out on proper footing

  • WWII sit ups with bricks (El Tigre)

  • Meet your maker plank/berican (Arizona) – Pax asks “Is this really Mary?”

  • Dead cockroach (Hambone) – may have had some ball leakage, but who’s lookin’?

  • LBC (Jingle Bells)

  • Low dolly leg raise held 6 inches above ground with bricks on ankles for a 10-count for each Pax (Jaws) – nicely done

  • WWII with chest flies on the down movement (FNG)

  • Triangle Bridge with bricks nestled on junk (Natty Lite)

  • WWII with bricks (Octoberfest)

Foreskin (or Aftskin?)

  • 2nd official Q for the Natty Lite. If I can just work on the counting and better explaining the exercises before we start, I might just be a contendah…

  • Can’t believe it took Pinky a year before he did his first Q…

  • Oktoberfest was aggressive on the paver claps, and ended up breaking his paver (and forfeited his $0.46 paver deposit).

  • Q missed capturing some quality mumblechatter in the recap, was too focused on counting

  • Brian Tripp (FNG) is a civil engineer by trade, and works on building airports, highways and the like. New F3 Nickname: Dirt (he voted for it as well)

  • Learn to pray vertical instead of horizontal

  • Nice photo op in front of the shovel flag

  • Nice brick work, bee-atches!