“I Was Promised Goats”

It was the best of times.  It was the worst of times. In any event, 14 hard-chargers sallied out in near-perfect gloom conditions to get their goat broga stretch on.  YHC laid down a lower-back focused routine that took the first 30 mins or so.  After that we allowed a “pick your position” round-robin.

Preblast exchanges between YHC and Topgun had implied that goat broga would be provided, and in-fact, goat prancing WAS provided as promised.  IYKYK.

YHC attempted to provide a disclaimer and explain the workout, but the mumblechatter train had already sailed under the command of Frogger, so at that point it was really just every man for himself.

There was a lot of yearning.  Yearning for what?  No one really knows.

Thug posted as promised.

Was that a semi-truck jake brake?  Or just Amen amen’ing? IYKYK

Topgun:  “I like a loose hip”.  Don’t we all Top… don’t we all.

Omaha was doing something weird with red solo cups.  Must be time to party over in that part of the circle.

Ultraman made us do something really weird and funny looking.

Grehhound’s yoga “mat” appears to have been stolen from a Holiday Inn bathroom in 1978.

Skynet… er Ponch… pulled a nice verse out the liquor bag, and also provided a very nice mini-homily.  Well done sir.

FNG-1 (his second post) was informed he had the right to remain silent and was soon named “Miranda”

Coffeeteria talk meandered here, there and everywhere.  Spitfire has a few 767 airline seats available if anyone is interested.

It was a good morning to get loose gents!

Gnarly Goat sends.